Meet Your Thyroid

How Does My Thyroid Work?

The thyroid produces 85% of the T4 hormone in your body. In the liver, T4 is processed and converted to T3. T3 is our fat-burning hormone, which is a good thing. But if you’ve got too much T4 that’s not being properly converted or processed, you end up with a hormonal imbalance. Symptoms can include hair loss, cracked heels, and constipation.

How Do I Know If Have a Thyroid Issue?

  • Hair on the chin, and none on the crown
  • Inexplicable weight gain/loss
  • Weight loss plateau
  • Fatigue
  • Crepe skin
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Constipation

In this case, “washing” those receptor cells by supporting them with key supplements like selenium and iodine can help the problem. That’s why I created Metabolism T4T3 supplement, that has both selenium and iodine, along with other thyroid supporting supplements. First, be sure to have your T4 and T3 checked by your physician.

What Effects My Thyroid Productivity?

Your thyroid cranks out heat, in the form of fat-burning hormones (T3 and T4). These hormones roam around your bloodstream, gathering up calories and oxygen like so much dry kindling—and then touching a match to it.

At least, that’s how it works when you’ve got a healthy metabolism. Three things can wreck your thyroid function:

  • Dieting. Low-calorie, restrictive diets make your body think you’re starving to death. Instead of fat-burning hormones, your thyroid actually starts producing an anti-fat-burning hormone (reverse T3, or RT3). RT3 basically sets up a roadblock in front of your fat-burning hormones. It’s a desperate attempt to keep you alive by hoarding fat.
  • Stress. Constant stress makes your body think there’s some sort of horrendous disaster going on—an earthquake, maybe, or a famine. Your thyroid cranks out more of that fat-hoarding RT3. Again, it’s just trying to save your life.
  • Disease. Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can cause weight gain, fatigue, headaches, constipation, brittle nails, and hair loss—and it often goes undiagnosed. Simple, inexpensive blood tests can show whether you’ve got any underlying thyroid problems.

What To Do About It

You can help your thyroid produce those helpful hormones—T3 and T4—by eating whole fruits, organic vegetables and lean proteins, avoiding sugar, and of course my Metabolism T4T3. Foods rich in B vitamins, iodine, taurine, and healthy fat like steak, lobster, shrimp, arugula, and coconut are just a few superstar foods. They’ll do all the work, coaxing your thyroid into perfect balance. All you have to do is enjoy how delicious they are!

