6 Tools For Health Empowerment!

6 Tools For Health Empowerment!
When talking to doctors it is important to know how to speak with them in a way that will benefit your health, what to ask for and how to advocate for yourself… this can be challenging for many reasons. Some doctors don’t see the need for these tests, some don’t like to be told to do things they think a patient has “ found on the internet”. They don’t want to leave you strapped with excess bills and insurance companies demand reasons for test before they will cover them. For these reasons I am here to give you a bit more help.
I want to encourage you in your new life. I want you to feel comfortable in your new role as the captain of your own team! Are you ready to move forward with your life? That means being proactive. That means never again standing back and letting other people control your choices and what you do. Stay curious ! Embrace cooking! Join our community!
Let me feed you with information, with hope, with acceptance, and with ideas for better health. Download my free Health Empowerment Guide right now and let's get you started on your journey to better health. CLICK HERE.
Download the Health Empowerment guide for free. CLICK HERE.
6 Tools For Health Empowerment!
When talking to doctors it is important to know how to speak with them in a way that will benefit your health, what to ask for and how to advocate for yourself… this can be challenging for many reasons. Some doctors don’t see the need for these tests, some don’t like to be told to do things they think a patient has “ found on the internet”. They don’t want to leave you strapped with excess bills and insurance companies demand reasons for test before they will cover them. For these reasons I am here to give you a bit more help.
I want to encourage you in your new life. I want you to feel comfortable in your new role as the captain of your own team! Are you ready to move forward with your life? That means being proactive. That means never again standing back and letting other people control your choices and what you do. Stay curious ! Embrace cooking! Join our community!
Let me feed you with information, with hope, with acceptance, and with ideas for better health. Download my free Health Empowerment Guide right now and let's get you started on your journey to better health. CLICK HERE.
Download the Health Empowerment guide for free. CLICK HERE.