Dr. Oz Amazed by Mother of 15's Weight Loss and Drastic Change in Cholesterol After Five Weeks on FMD Program

I write prescriptions using food as medicine, and I have spent my entire career learning what specific foods target which specific body systems and health issues. If you want to change something about your body, energy or health, I’m your girl. I’m not a medical doctor and I don’t write prescriptions for medications, but I am a nutritionist and my food prescriptions have been proven to enact real clinical change. 

I’ve worked with countless clients who have found success with my programs, like Jeri—a mother of 15 children, who lost 44 pounds in five weeks. Unhappily overweight, she was ready to make some changes and reclaim control of her life. Watch her in the video below as she rejoins me on the Doctor Oz show and learns that her weight loss was just the beginning. Watch as a bewildered Dr. Oz learns that her dedication to the Fast Metabolism Diet program also dramatically changed her health picture, with her good cholesterol rising from 24 to 82 and her bad cholesterol dropping from a concerning 230 to just 79. “I can’t give you a pill for that; no one can,” Dr. Oz tells Jeri. As we continue discussing her dramatic transformation, Dr. Oz tells the audience on camera that he has “never seen this kind of change before”  with any program. As Jeri’s numbers sank in, he remarked: “Our medical unit team looked at this, and they were disbelieving as I am!”

How did Jeri do it? She rotated between the Fast Metabolism Diet and the Cleanse. It’s not magic, it’s food science. You could be our next success story! Let me guide you through this process. Sign up for my 7-Day self-guided Jumpstart program, or our next Quick Start Challenge or Cleanse Challenge. They’re all free, so why wait? Meanwhile, watch Jeri’s transformation in the video below. 
