Rock The Holiday Season With These 3 Food Ideas

Holiday parties are always good for lots of family, friends, fun and, of course, FOOD! Achieving your health goals during this wonderful time of year is totally possible with me as your nutritionist. With the right game plan, what may seem to be an obstacle to your weight loss goals can actually be a huge opportunity. Rock this holiday season and fall in love with these three awesome food ideas!
These naturally-sweet root veggies don’t need much besides a few minutes in the microwave or on the stove to taste delicious, and if you eat them pretty plain—whether mashed or baked—keep on munching. Rich in metabolism-stimulating phytonutrients, copper, iron, and foliate, and higher in potassium than bananas, they’re also full of antioxidants, which help fight inflammation. Unlike many carbs, sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index, meaning they help stabilize blood sugar to prevent cravings. They’re versatile too. You can have them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Check out these sweet potato recipes below:
- Sweet Potato Pancakes
- Sweet Potato and Broccoli Sauté
- Sweet Potato Shepard’s Pie
- Homemade Sweet Potato Chips
Fruit is a gift to your adrenals. While everyone else is clamoring to take cookies, cake, or pie, load your plate with fruits! You will see many of the fruits from Phase 1 and 3 food lists during the holidays, especially at parties. Be on the lookout for fruits like strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, oranges, cherries, blackberries, raspberries, figs, apples, and papaya. Whatever you see there, remember it’s everything your adrenals need to make them happy.
Need some delicious fruit recipes to bring to those holiday gatherings? Try these quick and simple ones below!
The centerpiece of any holiday table is often a large protein source like a roast, a turkey, or even chicken. Use this to stabilize the blood sugar by having three small 10-15g — servings throughout the party or event.
Whether it’s leftovers from the main course or other protein nibbles, whatever your host has leftover should definitely make it into your to-go bag. You can add the protein to your vegetables to make a stir-fry, place it in a salad, in soups, tacos, and so much more. And let’s not forget how taking these leftover proteins can be beneficial to your wallet as well! Here are some excellent protein ideas you can make with those leftovers:

Holiday parties are always good for lots of family, friends, fun and, of course, FOOD! Achieving your health goals during this wonderful time of year is totally possible with me as your nutritionist. With the right game plan, what may seem to be an obstacle to your weight loss goals can actually be a huge opportunity. Rock this holiday season and fall in love with these three awesome food ideas!
- Sweet Potato Pancakes
- Sweet Potato and Broccoli Sauté
- Sweet Potato Shepard’s Pie
- Homemade Sweet Potato Chips
Fruit is a gift to your adrenals. While everyone else is clamoring to take cookies, cake, or pie, load your plate with fruits! You will see many of the fruits from Phase 1 and 3 food lists during the holidays, especially at parties. Be on the lookout for fruits like strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, oranges, cherries, blackberries, raspberries, figs, apples, and papaya. Whatever you see there, remember it’s everything your adrenals need to make them happy.
Need some delicious fruit recipes to bring to those holiday gatherings? Try these quick and simple ones below!
The centerpiece of any holiday table is often a large protein source like a roast, a turkey, or even chicken. Use this to stabilize the blood sugar by having three small 10-15g — servings throughout the party or event.
Whether it’s leftovers from the main course or other protein nibbles, whatever your host has leftover should definitely make it into your to-go bag. You can add the protein to your vegetables to make a stir-fry, place it in a salad, in soups, tacos, and so much more. And let’s not forget how taking these leftover proteins can be beneficial to your wallet as well! Here are some excellent protein ideas you can make with those leftovers: