Solidify your Weight Loss, try this Chicken Sausage with Coconut Tomato Sauce
So let’s say you have this toolbox. This toolbox is going to help you make better choices when it comes to what you eat. My goal here is to give you pro-active tools for that toolbox. Real, practical, action-based steps that can support a healthier you!
Tool #1 - Make Time and Cupcakes.
I have a Motto: If I bake it then my metabolism can take it! But if I’m going to splurge, it’s not going to mindless munching on packaged junk food. So if I didn’t take the time to bake it, then we try not to have dessert in our home. So that means, we have to go out for ice cream or frozen yogurt, and I don't’ keep packaged cookies, cakes, or pies in the house. I feel that what we bake in our home is healthier, made with love, and metabolizes faster. It also takes effort and intention and gives me time to think if maybe I am just stressed, thirsty, or truly hungry and that is why I am having sugar cravings. This is another healthier way I try to get in touch with the food I eat.
Tool #2 - Chart Your Path
Sit down on the weekend and plan your week ahead of time. Chart out at least your dinners, breakfast, and snacks. I do this with clients all day long, and the comment I get again and again is that this makes their lives so much easier. I have a method in our busy home. I use a Crockpot and make a couple of soups each weekend. This gets us through four dinners and two lunches. I sometimes convert the chicken from a soup to a salad or burrito for the next day's lunch. We have smoothies for breakfast twice a week and a loaded hot cereal twice a week, and eggs and bacon or avocado toast to round out the last three breakfasts. These are just a given and so routine I literally can pull this off in my sleep. For the remaining three dinners, we grill once, eat out once, and one night is “fend for yourself” night in our household just so no one forgets to appreciate me! It works with my busy lifestyle and keeps me fueled for all I am trying to pull off.
Tool #3 - Keep Cooking and Slow Cooking
When you’re too busy to cook, get the slow cooker ready the night before and put the “bowl” in the fridge. In the morning, plug it in, turn it on, and go. You’ll come home to a hot dinner so delicious you won’t even be tempted by frozen dinners or takeout. Keep making the recipes you loved from the book, and go ahead and make the recipes you didn’t get to try.
With these tools and amazing recipes like my Chicken Sausage with Coconut Tomato Sauce and Slow Cooker Meatloaf With Bacon, you will be able to stay fueled and enjoy a healthier you!

Chicken Sausage with Coconut Tomato Sauce
Prep time: 10 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Serves: 6
Phase 3
Nitrate-free chicken sausage – 6 links
1 small onion sliced
2 cups chopped kale
2 carrots sliced
1 can fire roasted tomatoes with juice
1 can coconut milk solid (discard the liquid)
1 cup artichoke hearts
2 Tbsp. tomato paste
1 cup chicken broth
2 Tbsp.grape seed oil
On medium heat add 1 Tbsp. of grapeseed oil to sauté pan, brown the sausage on all sides. Remove the sausage and set aside. Add 1 tablespoon of grapeseed oil to the pan, add onions and carrots and sauté for 5-7 minutes or until the onions start to become translucent. Add the artichokes, kale, and tomatoes, chicken broth, tomato paste, and coconut milk and bring to a low simmer. Add the sausage and cook for 20-minutes or until sausage is cooked thoroughly and sauce thickens.

Find directions and ingredients here
Make sure you find out more about our Metabolism Shake.
Use your 10% Membership Discount on Metabolism Shake now!
I am excited to see you taking control of your health!

Tool #1 - Make Time and Cupcakes.
I have a Motto: If I bake it then my metabolism can take it! But if I’m going to splurge, it’s not going to mindless munching on packaged junk food. So if I didn’t take the time to bake it, then we try not to have dessert in our home. So that means, we have to go out for ice cream or frozen yogurt, and I don't’ keep packaged cookies, cakes, or pies in the house. I feel that what we bake in our home is healthier, made with love, and metabolizes faster. It also takes effort and intention and gives me time to think if maybe I am just stressed, thirsty, or truly hungry and that is why I am having sugar cravings. This is another healthier way I try to get in touch with the food I eat.
Tool #2 - Chart Your Path
Sit down on the weekend and plan your week ahead of time. Chart out at least your dinners, breakfast, and snacks. I do this with clients all day long, and the comment I get again and again is that this makes their lives so much easier. I have a method in our busy home. I use a Crockpot and make a couple of soups each weekend. This gets us through four dinners and two lunches. I sometimes convert the chicken from a soup to a salad or burrito for the next day's lunch. We have smoothies for breakfast twice a week and a loaded hot cereal twice a week, and eggs and bacon or avocado toast to round out the last three breakfasts. These are just a given and so routine I literally can pull this off in my sleep. For the remaining three dinners, we grill once, eat out once, and one night is “fend for yourself” night in our household just so no one forgets to appreciate me! It works with my busy lifestyle and keeps me fueled for all I am trying to pull off.
Tool #3 - Keep Cooking and Slow Cooking
When you’re too busy to cook, get the slow cooker ready the night before and put the “bowl” in the fridge. In the morning, plug it in, turn it on, and go. You’ll come home to a hot dinner so delicious you won’t even be tempted by frozen dinners or takeout. Keep making the recipes you loved from the book, and go ahead and make the recipes you didn’t get to try.
With these tools and amazing recipes like my Chicken Sausage with Coconut Tomato Sauce and Slow Cooker Meatloaf With Bacon, you will be able to stay fueled and enjoy a healthier you!
Chicken Sausage with Coconut Tomato Sauce
Prep time: 10 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Serves: 6
Phase 3
Nitrate-free chicken sausage – 6 links
1 small onion sliced
2 cups chopped kale
2 carrots sliced
1 can fire roasted tomatoes with juice
1 can coconut milk solid (discard the liquid)
1 cup artichoke hearts
2 Tbsp. tomato paste
1 cup chicken broth
2 Tbsp.grape seed oil
On medium heat add 1 Tbsp. of grapeseed oil to sauté pan, brown the sausage on all sides. Remove the sausage and set aside. Add 1 tablespoon of grapeseed oil to the pan, add onions and carrots and sauté for 5-7 minutes or until the onions start to become translucent. Add the artichokes, kale, and tomatoes, chicken broth, tomato paste, and coconut milk and bring to a low simmer. Add the sausage and cook for 20-minutes or until sausage is cooked thoroughly and sauce thickens.
Find directions and ingredients here
Make sure you find out more about our Metabolism Shake.
Use your 10% Membership Discount on Metabolism Shake now!
I am excited to see you taking control of your health!