Your Poo Talks: Listen
Discussing your stool is not the most glamorous subject, but your poo can be a vital source of information about what’s going on inside your body. Most importantly, if something is off we can address the imbalance with proper nutrition.
Did you know that more than 60 percent of your immune system is linked to your bowels? If your digestive tract and colon aren’t functioning properly, they can contribute to ailments like seasonal/food allergies, chronic inflammation, and energy-draining colds and cases of flu that last for weeks.
Believe it or not, even your moods can be influenced by the health of your bowels. Your serotonin receptor sites are located mainly in the brain, blood platelets, and bowel. Serotonin is the “feel-good” chemical in your body that is responsible for maintaining your mood balance. Depression, for instance, has been linked in some studies to low serotonin production. So, if you’re feeling a little blue, your poo could provide answers.
What’s more, the belly bulge you might be battling could also stem from a digestion issue. When your bowels are not moving efficiently, you may not be eliminating fat soluble toxins efficiently. The outcome is those pesky toxins can form into fat pockets around your midsection instead of being eliminated through your waste. In order to effectively battle the bulge around your tummy, you have to ensure efficient elimination.
You might be asking yourself, “How do I know if I’m experiencing healthy bowel movements?”
Good question! Healthy adults should experience at least one well-formed bowel movement per day. When I say, "well-formed” I mean it should be solid but not hard as a rock. If you’re not experiencing “movement” every day, toxins are essentially hanging out in your body and could be causing a myriad of problems.
The good news is, I can get you moving in the right direction with my Metabolism Colon and strategic food fixes. Metabolism Colon is not a laxative, but rather, it gently encourages your body’s natural elimination. My clients have noted it’s mild and does not cause any discomfort.
(If you notice big changes in your usual bowel routine, be sure to discuss it with your doctor.)
Let’s discuss some of the most common types of bowel movements, what they can signify, and what to eat.
Rabbit pellets
Your protein-to-fiber ratio could be off if your bowel movements resemble small chunks rather than 3- to 4-inch cylinders. This means your body is having a difficult time processing the protein you're ingesting. I see this in clients who are low-carb dieters. This can also indicate that you may not be drinking enough water.
Food Fix: A good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces every day. For example, a 150-pound person needs to drink at least 75 ounces of water each day. Eat more high-fiber produce like celery, cucumbers, kale, spinach, and apples. Also try eating foods high in pectin, like apples, grapefruit and chia seeds. Pectin is a benefit-rich fiber that helps boost digestive health.
Thin and ropy
Your mucosal lining may be swollen or irritated if your bowl movements are long, skinny, and soft.
Food Fix: Foods like gluten-free psyllium, slippery elm tea, cauliflower, and jicama are soothing to the mucosal lining. Intestinal Parasites can also cause the membranes to swell; try eating pumpkin seeds, which have natural anti-parasitic properties.
If your poo has a green tint to it, this can indicate an imbalance in bile. Bile is made of many substances, including lecithin. When you poo is green it can signify your lecithin is out of balance.
Food Fix: Try consuming foods that offer gallbladder support like sunflower lecithin, milk thistle tea, cold-water fish (like salmon and trout), avocado, sweet potatoes, green beans, tomatoes, berries, and onions.
Floaters or sinkers?
Healthy stool sinks. If your stool floats, it can indicate an imbalance in digestive juices. Floaters can also be a symptom of a wheat intolerance or Celiac disease or even an imbalance in your blood sugar.
Food Fix: fill up on herbs and spices that stimulate healthy digestion like parsley, oregano, and cayenne and make sure you have a steady stream of protein throughout the day. Metabolism Pro-Biotic can be helpful at boosting the health of your intestinal flora.
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