BFCM Q&A 01-07-2025
What is your best plan to eliminate visceral fat?
What exercise is best for people with post exertional fatigue?
Is there a program designed for Senior Adult Athletes for strength and mobility?
What program would you design for a person with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?
Following 2 heavy metal cleanses and an H-Burn, my labs showed increases in Estradiol to 469, A1C, and LDL, and I would like to know how to address this.
Please explain how to know when and how long to use supplements like metals, free radicals, DIM, enzymes, Candida.
It seems common for me to lose weight in Phase 2 versus Phase 1 & 3. Can you explain the mechanism behind this?
If you wake up hungry in the morning, does this mean your metabolism is healing or increasing? Or does it have nothing to do with that?
Correct? CLEANSE;
days 1-4 (P1 veggies/foods; no fats);
days 5,6 & 7 (P2 veggies/foods; no fats)
days 8-10 (P3 vegetables/foods; healthy fats.
When would it be indicated to increase your Metabolism T4T3 to TWICE a day? I have NP Thyroid-controlled hypothyroidism, but still experience rapidly thinning hair and cracked heels?
What dosage and time of day would you recommend for Cortisol Burn when one is recovering is from long-term stress?
What dosage of Metabolism Control would you recommend to provide enough 5-HTP to significantly improve mild depression?
Can you please share how to stay motivated when caring for myself and cooking for myself seems overwhelming?
What supplements would you recommend for a PCOS client
What supplement or plan recommendations would you make for an 84 year old post covid to help recovery.
What might explain feeling like going to sleep after eating a large meal that contains healthy fat, eg, FMD phase 3 or MR part 2 breakfast.
What is your opinion of colostrum products?