Nutrition Program Workbooks for Your Success
Your body communicates with you all the time. Whether it's through brittle nails or hunger pains, bloating, insomnia, or emotional outbursts, these are all forms of communication. Sometimes, the style of communication is functional. For example, when your body gives you a little signal that it's time to have a bowel movement, you can excuse yourself from a crowd and take care of business. Other times it's dysfunctional. For example, incontinence caused by hormonal dysfunction can be a stressful way the body communicates that something is wrong. Every message or signal is important, and I want you to be in awe of your smart body even and especially during the times of dysfunction. This is the way our body guides us to a state of repair.
In my clinic, I have developed many programs along with helpful workbooks to serve as a roadmap or road maps for your journey to weight loss and health gain. Below I have attached the workbooks for my top in-clinic programs so that you can begin to explore the dynamic ways that we can begin to heal your biodiverse body and heal a slow or sluggish metabolism.
If you are not sure where to start, please join the membership section of our website. Myself, my team and our outstanding community members are here to give you some added guidance and encouragement. The description in each of these programs can also be very informative and help in your decision making. You really cannot make a wrong step. The majority of my clients have done each and every one of these programs several times. After all, nutrition and supplementation are the number one catalyst to true health. Offering the best of both of these things available anywhere on this planet is our commitment to you!
Enjoy these workbooks. I cannot wait to see you in the community!
10-Day and 5-Day Fast Metabolism Cleanse Workbook
The 10-Day Fast Metabolism Cleanse is an easy way to flush out the junk and rev up your metabolism. Many of my clients lose up to 10 pounds in just 10 days on the 10-Day Cleanse, and quick, health-boosting results on the 5-Day Cleanse.
Download the Fast Metabolism Cleanse Workbook today to learn how this program works - CLICK HERE
The Fast Metabolism Diet Quick Start Guide
Along with healthy, nutrient-rich foods, the Fast Metabolism Quick Start Kit contains everything you need to maximize your success on the path to a BETTER YOU with the Fast Metabolism Diet. This program includes a 14 Day Quick Start Program digital workbook to ignite your metabolism as described in The Fast Metabolism Diet book by Haylie Pomroy.
Everything You Need to Get Started on the Path to a Better You.
Download the Fast Metabolism Diet Quick Start Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Success Tools for the Fast Metabolism Diet
If you are just getting started on the Fast Metabolism Diet—even if you are a Fast Metabolism Diet-er pro!—I have some incredible tools for you that you need to download right now. Get your Do's and Don'ts list, blank meal map, and master food list for the Fast Metabolism Diet in this super handy digital download.

Download the Success Tools for the Fast Metabolism Diet guide today - CLICK HERE
14-Day Pain and Inflammation Protocol
Chronic or acute pain can be a symptom of inflammation and inflammation can cause many different metabolism pathways to become stagnant and even create disease. Science is now showing that inflammation is linked to cardiovascular disease, cancers, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and even an inability for the body to lose weight. I hope that you enjoy this 14-Day Pain and Inflammation Protocol that I use in my clinic, very successfully, to help unlock the pathways that are inhibiting the body from achieving true health. We use a combination of food-based shakes, a strategic grocery list, incredible recipes, and all-natural supplementation to help promote homeostasis in the body and creating an ecosystem or environment that reduces systemic inflammation.
Download the Pain and Inflammation Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Fast Metabolism Phase 1 Super Intensive
In just 7 days, my specially formulated FMD Shake and micronutrients in conjunction with my FMD supplements and targeted nutrition program will help support your adrenals. They will bring balance to some of the metabolism-specific hormones released by the adrenals including, cortisol, adrenaline, aldosterone, and epinephrine. An imbalance in one or more of these hormones can lead to weight-loss resistance. The secretion of these stress hormones regulates the release of glucose or sugar from the muscle and liver cells to either stimulate or slow down your body’s metabolic rate.
After completing the Phase 1 Super Intensive, my clients often lose weight, reduce inflammation, have better hormone balance, and enjoy a healthier metabolic function. Many of my clients also report increased mental clarity, increased energy, an elevation in mood, and an improvement in the appearance and texture of their hair and skin.
Download the Phase 1 Super Intensive Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Fast Metabolism Phase 2 Super Intensive
Phase 2 of the Fast Metabolism Diet focuses on muscle and body structure. For 7 days, the Fast Metabolism Phase 2 Shake and these targeted supplements will help repair your sluggish metabolism, enrich your body, and maximize your workouts. With L-carnitine on board, you can help prevent oxidative stress, increase your exercise capacity, and speed recovery.
This Phase 2 is also about transporting and metabolizing fat for a more sculpted appearance. By raising your level of muscle carnitine, you can increase the efficiency of your body's fat-burning process. Phase 2's Metabolism Fatty Acids also assists in using body fat as energy.
After completing the Phase 2 Super Intensive, many of my clients report a leaner, trimmer body, improved mental focus, smoother skin, and better overall outlook.
Download the Phase 2 Super Intensive Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Fast Metabolism Phase 3 Super Intensive
Welcome to The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 3 Super Intensive. In just 7 days, my specially formulated Fast Metabolism Phase 3 Shake and micronutrients in conjunction with my supplements and targeted nutrition program will help support hormone stabilization and the metabolism of fat. The Fast Metabolism Phase 3 Shake is enriched with DIM, turmeric, quercetin, GSG, black pepper extract, and alpha-lipoic acid, to name a few. These micronutrients and phytonutrients are catalysts for the pathways of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid hormone metabolism. These pathways are nutrient-dependent, meaning they do not function properly without proper nutrition.
The healthy fats you eat on Phase 3 are the precursors for the hormones, but the hormones must be metabolized in order to perform their thermogenic (heat-producing, fat burning) functions. Menopause hot flashes and waves of thyroid dysfunction are telling your body that your thermogenic balance is off.
After completing this Super Intensive, my clients often lose weight, reduce inflammation, have better hormone balance, and enjoy a healthier metabolic function. Many of my clients also report increased mental clarity, increased energy, an elevation of mood, and an improvement in the appearance and texture of their hair and skin.
Download the Phase 3 Super Intensive Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Immunity Shield and Immunity Shield Plus
The Immunity Shield and Immunity Shield Plus bundles are targeted nutrition plans with even more of what your body needs to maximize its defenses. These comprehensive programs are designed to enhance your immunity, fight inflammation and much more.
Download the Immunity Shield Plus Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Metabolism Revolution Quick Start Kit
Using delicious foods, with their targeted micro-nutrients, triggers a cascade of positive metabolic changes that are real, proven and documented. The Metabolism Revolution Quick Start Kit provides you additional tools to simplify the process and help you lose weight rapidly, permanently and therapeutically.
Download the Metabolism Revolution Quick Start Kit Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Heavy Metals Metabolism Cleanse
Every day our bodies are exposed to toxins. Heavy metals are found in our environment, everywhere we look, in our water, in our air, in our foods, in our makeup, and even in our skincare products. We are constantly being bombarded by substances that our bodies don't possess the metabolism or metabolic enzymes to excrete easily, so we get heavy metal build-up in fat cells, in fatty tissues, in nerve cells, in the brain. The studies are shocking when we see how much our body holds on to when it comes to heavy metals. The issues that we find with our bodies is that heavy metals can get in the way of hormones and hormone production, hormone receptor sites like estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, and the body's ability to utilize the hormones we produce, like thyroid hormones. They can interfere with our neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, creating things like anxiety and fatigue; individuals that are tired but cannot sleep, individuals that have hives that are unresolvable, individuals that are having a difficult time losing weight. In my practice, we like to try supporting and facilitating the body's ability to detoxify the heavy metals. We are all exposed to them. Every one of our bodies stores them. This program is strategically designed to help facilitate your body's natural ability to release heavy metals and get rid of the burden that those toxins cause. I am so happy to be on this journey with you.
Download the Heavy Metals Cleanse Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Metabolism Adrenal Repair Bundle
Fatigue and stress are becoming common household names because more and more people are feeling their effects. When you're constantly stressed out, your adrenal glands are literally exhausted. Instead of supplying balanced hormones - your stress hormones (including cortisol), are completely out of whack, throwing your body into 'emergency' mode, storing fat instead of burning it.
Adrenal fatigue makes you feel exhausted and depleted, contributes to poor sleep quality and headaches, as well as, inhibits weight loss.
If you are feeling this way, that's okay; I have a solution for you to get back on track and soothe your stressed out adrenals. This bundle helps to soothe and repair your adrenal function. Easing the burden on your exhausted adrenal glands and coaxing your body back to homeostasis.
Download the Metabolism Adrenal Repair Bundle Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Fast Metabolism Quick and Easy Dessert and Snack Mix
This easy-to-use Dessert and Snack Mix is approved for all phases of the Fast Metabolism Diet, including Phase 2, as well as for any of Haylie Pomroy’s programs. Make delicious no-bake puddings and frozen treats, or use it to make pancakes, cakes, pies and cookies!
Download the Metabolism Adrenal Repair Bundle Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Fast Metabolism Baking Mix
This is the solution for all of your Fast Metabolism Diet baking dreams and desires. Make FMD cookies, cakes, muffins and breads with this specially formulated baking mix. Use it like flour and make your favorite meals, snacks and desserts that will please your taste buds and charge your metabolism. This baking mix has been approved by Haylie for use in Phases 1 and 3 and in maintenance of the Fast Metabolism Diet program.
Download the Fast Metabolism Baking Mix Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Weekend Warrior
Struggling with stress and food cravings? Stuck in a rut, eating too many sugary, processed foods? In just two days, you can knock out those crazy highs and lows—the post-sugar high and the 3:00 p.m. slump later. You’ll see belly bloat and puffiness subside. Your skin and hair will regain moisture and shine. Yes—you can do all that in just two days of strategic eating.
Download the Weekend Warrior workbook today - CLICK HERE
10-Day and 5-Day Fast Metabolism Cleanse Workbook
The 10-Day Fast Metabolism Cleanse is an easy way to flush out the junk and rev up your metabolism. Many of my clients lose up to 10 pounds in just 10 days on the 10-Day Cleanse, and quick, health-boosting results on the 5-Day Cleanse.
Download the Fast Metabolism Cleanse Workbook today to learn how this program works - CLICK HERE
The Fast Metabolism Diet Quick Start Guide
Along with healthy, nutrient-rich foods, the Fast Metabolism Quick Start Kit contains everything you need to maximize your success on the path to a BETTER YOU with the Fast Metabolism Diet. This program includes a 14 Day Quick Start Program digital workbook to ignite your metabolism as described in The Fast Metabolism Diet book by Haylie Pomroy.
Everything You Need to Get Started on the Path to a Better You.
Download the Fast Metabolism Diet Quick Start Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Success Tools for the Fast Metabolism Diet
If you are just getting started on the Fast Metabolism Diet—even if you are a Fast Metabolism Diet-er pro!—I have some incredible tools for you that you need to download right now. Get your Do's and Don'ts list, blank meal map, and master food list for the Fast Metabolism Diet in this super handy digital download.
Download the Success Tools for the Fast Metabolism Diet guide today - CLICK HERE
14-Day Pain and Inflammation Protocol
Chronic or acute pain can be a symptom of inflammation and inflammation can cause many different metabolism pathways to become stagnant and even create disease. Science is now showing that inflammation is linked to cardiovascular disease, cancers, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and even an inability for the body to lose weight. I hope that you enjoy this 14-Day Pain and Inflammation Protocol that I use in my clinic, very successfully, to help unlock the pathways that are inhibiting the body from achieving true health. We use a combination of food-based shakes, a strategic grocery list, incredible recipes, and all-natural supplementation to help promote homeostasis in the body and creating an ecosystem or environment that reduces systemic inflammation.
Download the Pain and Inflammation Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Fast Metabolism Phase 1 Super Intensive
In just 7 days, my specially formulated FMD Shake and micronutrients in conjunction with my FMD supplements and targeted nutrition program will help support your adrenals. They will bring balance to some of the metabolism-specific hormones released by the adrenals including, cortisol, adrenaline, aldosterone, and epinephrine. An imbalance in one or more of these hormones can lead to weight-loss resistance. The secretion of these stress hormones regulates the release of glucose or sugar from the muscle and liver cells to either stimulate or slow down your body’s metabolic rate.
After completing the Phase 1 Super Intensive, my clients often lose weight, reduce inflammation, have better hormone balance, and enjoy a healthier metabolic function. Many of my clients also report increased mental clarity, increased energy, an elevation in mood, and an improvement in the appearance and texture of their hair and skin.
Download the Phase 1 Super Intensive Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Fast Metabolism Phase 2 Super Intensive
Phase 2 of the Fast Metabolism Diet focuses on muscle and body structure. For 7 days, the Fast Metabolism Phase 2 Shake and these targeted supplements will help repair your sluggish metabolism, enrich your body, and maximize your workouts. With L-carnitine on board, you can help prevent oxidative stress, increase your exercise capacity, and speed recovery.
This Phase 2 is also about transporting and metabolizing fat for a more sculpted appearance. By raising your level of muscle carnitine, you can increase the efficiency of your body's fat-burning process. Phase 2's Metabolism Fatty Acids also assists in using body fat as energy.
After completing the Phase 2 Super Intensive, many of my clients report a leaner, trimmer body, improved mental focus, smoother skin, and better overall outlook.
Download the Phase 2 Super Intensive Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Fast Metabolism Phase 3 Super Intensive
Welcome to The Fast Metabolism Diet Phase 3 Super Intensive. In just 7 days, my specially formulated Fast Metabolism Phase 3 Shake and micronutrients in conjunction with my supplements and targeted nutrition program will help support hormone stabilization and the metabolism of fat. The Fast Metabolism Phase 3 Shake is enriched with DIM, turmeric, quercetin, GSG, black pepper extract, and alpha-lipoic acid, to name a few. These micronutrients and phytonutrients are catalysts for the pathways of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid hormone metabolism. These pathways are nutrient-dependent, meaning they do not function properly without proper nutrition.
The healthy fats you eat on Phase 3 are the precursors for the hormones, but the hormones must be metabolized in order to perform their thermogenic (heat-producing, fat burning) functions. Menopause hot flashes and waves of thyroid dysfunction are telling your body that your thermogenic balance is off.
After completing this Super Intensive, my clients often lose weight, reduce inflammation, have better hormone balance, and enjoy a healthier metabolic function. Many of my clients also report increased mental clarity, increased energy, an elevation of mood, and an improvement in the appearance and texture of their hair and skin.
Download the Phase 3 Super Intensive Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Immunity Shield and Immunity Shield Plus
The Immunity Shield and Immunity Shield Plus bundles are targeted nutrition plans with even more of what your body needs to maximize its defenses. These comprehensive programs are designed to enhance your immunity, fight inflammation and much more.
Download the Immunity Shield Plus Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Metabolism Revolution Quick Start Kit
Using delicious foods, with their targeted micro-nutrients, triggers a cascade of positive metabolic changes that are real, proven and documented. The Metabolism Revolution Quick Start Kit provides you additional tools to simplify the process and help you lose weight rapidly, permanently and therapeutically.
Download the Metabolism Revolution Quick Start Kit Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Heavy Metals Metabolism Cleanse
Every day our bodies are exposed to toxins. Heavy metals are found in our environment, everywhere we look, in our water, in our air, in our foods, in our makeup, and even in our skincare products. We are constantly being bombarded by substances that our bodies don't possess the metabolism or metabolic enzymes to excrete easily, so we get heavy metal build-up in fat cells, in fatty tissues, in nerve cells, in the brain. The studies are shocking when we see how much our body holds on to when it comes to heavy metals. The issues that we find with our bodies is that heavy metals can get in the way of hormones and hormone production, hormone receptor sites like estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, and the body's ability to utilize the hormones we produce, like thyroid hormones. They can interfere with our neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, creating things like anxiety and fatigue; individuals that are tired but cannot sleep, individuals that have hives that are unresolvable, individuals that are having a difficult time losing weight. In my practice, we like to try supporting and facilitating the body's ability to detoxify the heavy metals. We are all exposed to them. Every one of our bodies stores them. This program is strategically designed to help facilitate your body's natural ability to release heavy metals and get rid of the burden that those toxins cause. I am so happy to be on this journey with you.
Download the Heavy Metals Cleanse Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Metabolism Adrenal Repair Bundle
Fatigue and stress are becoming common household names because more and more people are feeling their effects. When you're constantly stressed out, your adrenal glands are literally exhausted. Instead of supplying balanced hormones - your stress hormones (including cortisol), are completely out of whack, throwing your body into 'emergency' mode, storing fat instead of burning it.
Adrenal fatigue makes you feel exhausted and depleted, contributes to poor sleep quality and headaches, as well as, inhibits weight loss.
If you are feeling this way, that's okay; I have a solution for you to get back on track and soothe your stressed out adrenals. This bundle helps to soothe and repair your adrenal function. Easing the burden on your exhausted adrenal glands and coaxing your body back to homeostasis.
Download the Metabolism Adrenal Repair Bundle Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Fast Metabolism Quick and Easy Dessert and Snack Mix
This easy-to-use Dessert and Snack Mix is approved for all phases of the Fast Metabolism Diet, including Phase 2, as well as for any of Haylie Pomroy’s programs. Make delicious no-bake puddings and frozen treats, or use it to make pancakes, cakes, pies and cookies!
Download the Metabolism Adrenal Repair Bundle Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Fast Metabolism Baking Mix
This is the solution for all of your Fast Metabolism Diet baking dreams and desires. Make FMD cookies, cakes, muffins and breads with this specially formulated baking mix. Use it like flour and make your favorite meals, snacks and desserts that will please your taste buds and charge your metabolism. This baking mix has been approved by Haylie for use in Phases 1 and 3 and in maintenance of the Fast Metabolism Diet program.
Download the Fast Metabolism Baking Mix Workbook today to learn how the program works - CLICK HERE
Weekend Warrior
Struggling with stress and food cravings? Stuck in a rut, eating too many sugary, processed foods? In just two days, you can knock out those crazy highs and lows—the post-sugar high and the 3:00 p.m. slump later. You’ll see belly bloat and puffiness subside. Your skin and hair will regain moisture and shine. Yes—you can do all that in just two days of strategic eating.
Download the Weekend Warrior workbook today - CLICK HERE