Haylie's Personal Travel Survival Plan
The entire HPG team is headed to NY this week to support HealthCorps and Dr. Oz and his wife, Lisa's foundation. Then, I'm off to Albany to film more Public Television. All this while beginning a 10-Day Cleanse. No problem... I have planned and packed! Here are tips that not only allow me to survive while traveling but THRIVE while traveling.
My Packing List
Country Choice Organic Instant Steel Cut Oats
Artisana Organic, Raw Cashew Butter
Navitas Naturals Organic Cacao Nibs Raw Chocolate
Pomroy's Turkey Jerky Pepppered
Fast Metabolism Cleanse
Haylie Pomroy Blender Bottle
Here are tips that not only allow me to survive while traveling but THRIVE while traveling. A few days before I leave, I Yelp and Google the city I am visiting to plan ahead and find out if there's a natural foods grocery store near my hotel. I plan this way so I only need to select one meal out. (Which is wise given our current health crisis so that we don’t expose ourselves unnecessarily to any pathogens that might be transferred during food prep.) Plus, I save so much money!
In my suitcase, I throw in a bag of apples, nitrite-free clean jerky, herbal teas, instant steel cut oats, raw nuts, nut butter, English toffee stevia, and cacao nibs. I personally enjoy all of my shakes, but I travel most with the Fast Metabolism Cleanse. When under stress, I find that I crave it because it is packed with whole foods like spinach, kale, spirulina, pomegranates and turmeric combined with a vegan, gluten-free, ultra clean pea protein. The Fast Metabolism Cleanse also has a broad array of micronutrients, and my body responds so well to all of the anti-inflammatory properties of the quercetin and rutin. Each day I drink two cleanse shakes, eat oatmeal, jerky or an apple and nut butter snack. I then pick a restaurant that has as clean of food possible for one meal out.
Each day I drink two cleanse shakes, eat oatmeal, jerky or an apple and nut butter snack. I then pick a restaurant that has as clean of food possible for one meal out.
In My Supplement Box
Of course, I always take my vitamins and supplements. They are always instrumental in keeping me healthy, but are especially critical now. I have been diligent about them since I was 22 years old when I stopped taking Prednisone and Neurontin and turned to natural therapies.
My must-haves when I'm traveling on the road are:
Metabolism Multi - I use 2 capsules twice a day to increase my micronutrients when I am traveling.
Metabolism Probiotic - 80-90% of your immune system comes from the gut and probiotics which play a vital role in staying healthy. I take this daily to prevent the creepy crud when I'm traveling.
Metabolism Enzyme Balance - This helps me access micronutrients and value from food when I'm traveling. It is hard to always get organic, fresh, or even healthy food on-the-go, and given the country’s viral pandemic, supply will likely be affected
Metabolism T4T3 - Because I need extra help nurturing the pathways of thyroid metabolism, I take 2 capsules twice a day to help increase my rate of Burn.
Metabolism Energy - I do a scoop at 4 pm in the afternoon in my spring water to help enhance my mental performance and to feel alert and alive while nurturing my hard-working adrenals, which need extra attention during times of stress. Metabolism Energy is full of nutrients, not stimulants to support sustained and focused energy
Traveling is hard on the body and the mind. My goal with this travel survival plan is to make sure I return home feeling healthy and rested, while having nurtured my metabolism along the way.
Here is an old Irish blessing my grandma always sends me off with:
“May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”
In Good Health,

The entire HPG team is headed to NY this week to support HealthCorps and Dr. Oz and his wife, Lisa's foundation. Then, I'm off to Albany to film more Public Television. All this while beginning a 10-Day Cleanse. No problem... I have planned and packed! Here are tips that not only allow me to survive while traveling but THRIVE while traveling.
My Packing List
Country Choice Organic Instant Steel Cut OatsArtisana Organic, Raw Cashew Butter
Navitas Naturals Organic Cacao Nibs Raw Chocolate
Pomroy's Turkey Jerky Pepppered
Fast Metabolism Cleanse
Haylie Pomroy Blender Bottle
Here are tips that not only allow me to survive while traveling but THRIVE while traveling. A few days before I leave, I Yelp and Google the city I am visiting to plan ahead and find out if there's a natural foods grocery store near my hotel. I plan this way so I only need to select one meal out. (Which is wise given our current health crisis so that we don’t expose ourselves unnecessarily to any pathogens that might be transferred during food prep.) Plus, I save so much money!
In my suitcase, I throw in a bag of apples, nitrite-free clean jerky, herbal teas, instant steel cut oats, raw nuts, nut butter, English toffee stevia, and cacao nibs. I personally enjoy all of my shakes, but I travel most with the Fast Metabolism Cleanse. When under stress, I find that I crave it because it is packed with whole foods like spinach, kale, spirulina, pomegranates and turmeric combined with a vegan, gluten-free, ultra clean pea protein. The Fast Metabolism Cleanse also has a broad array of micronutrients, and my body responds so well to all of the anti-inflammatory properties of the quercetin and rutin. Each day I drink two cleanse shakes, eat oatmeal, jerky or an apple and nut butter snack. I then pick a restaurant that has as clean of food possible for one meal out.
Each day I drink two cleanse shakes, eat oatmeal, jerky or an apple and nut butter snack. I then pick a restaurant that has as clean of food possible for one meal out.
In My Supplement Box
Of course, I always take my vitamins and supplements. They are always instrumental in keeping me healthy, but are especially critical now. I have been diligent about them since I was 22 years old when I stopped taking Prednisone and Neurontin and turned to natural therapies.My must-haves when I'm traveling on the road are:
Metabolism Multi - I use 2 capsules twice a day to increase my micronutrients when I am traveling.
Metabolism Probiotic - 80-90% of your immune system comes from the gut and probiotics which play a vital role in staying healthy. I take this daily to prevent the creepy crud when I'm traveling.
Metabolism Enzyme Balance - This helps me access micronutrients and value from food when I'm traveling. It is hard to always get organic, fresh, or even healthy food on-the-go, and given the country’s viral pandemic, supply will likely be affected
Metabolism T4T3 - Because I need extra help nurturing the pathways of thyroid metabolism, I take 2 capsules twice a day to help increase my rate of Burn.
Metabolism Energy - I do a scoop at 4 pm in the afternoon in my spring water to help enhance my mental performance and to feel alert and alive while nurturing my hard-working adrenals, which need extra attention during times of stress. Metabolism Energy is full of nutrients, not stimulants to support sustained and focused energy
Traveling is hard on the body and the mind. My goal with this travel survival plan is to make sure I return home feeling healthy and rested, while having nurtured my metabolism along the way.
Here is an old Irish blessing my grandma always sends me off with:
Metabolism Multi - I use 2 capsules twice a day to increase my micronutrients when I am traveling.
Metabolism Probiotic - 80-90% of your immune system comes from the gut and probiotics which play a vital role in staying healthy. I take this daily to prevent the creepy crud when I'm traveling.
Metabolism Enzyme Balance - This helps me access micronutrients and value from food when I'm traveling. It is hard to always get organic, fresh, or even healthy food on-the-go, and given the country’s viral pandemic, supply will likely be affected
Metabolism T4T3 - Because I need extra help nurturing the pathways of thyroid metabolism, I take 2 capsules twice a day to help increase my rate of Burn.
Metabolism Energy - I do a scoop at 4 pm in the afternoon in my spring water to help enhance my mental performance and to feel alert and alive while nurturing my hard-working adrenals, which need extra attention during times of stress. Metabolism Energy is full of nutrients, not stimulants to support sustained and focused energy
Traveling is hard on the body and the mind. My goal with this travel survival plan is to make sure I return home feeling healthy and rested, while having nurtured my metabolism along the way.
Here is an old Irish blessing my grandma always sends me off with:
“May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”
In Good Health,