Your Prescription to Health Might be a Cantaloupe Salad
What is health? For you, it might be something different from what health is for anyone else in the world. Is it being fit and free of disease? Is health feeling balanced, or having energy, or getting down to a weight that doesn’t burden you? Or is it getting your chronic conditions manageable again?
Whenever a new client comes into my office, one of the things we do is sit down together and make a health wishlist. This is a list of everything the client would like to happen. The first things my clients usually mention are that they want to change the number on the scale, and/or they want to change the progression of a chronic disease they have been diagnosed with. I think those goals are too narrow. Why limit yourself to a diagnosis or a number on the scale, or that one, most pressing symptom? I want you to dream big. Think of everything you want for your body. And this can be an ongoing list. You can check things off as you achieve them, and you can always add more. In fact, I encourage you to add more, as you learn more and get to know this process better. I always encourage my clients to go further.
Actually, write it down. Include everything! Dream big. And then recognize something very important: Everything you eat influences the possibility that every single thing on your wish list will come true.

Did you know?
The Fast Metabolism Cleanse starts with a proprietary pea/rice protein that's naturally vegan and gluten-free. It is packed with targeted micronutrients and whole foods such as organic kale, spinach, and spirulina. Enhanced with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients like quercetin, rutin, turmeric and pomegranate, the Fast Metabolism Cleanse is a total body makeover from the inside out.
Make sure you find out more about the Fast Metabolism Cleanse
Use your 10% Membership Discount for the Fast Metabolism Cleanse now!
In Good Health,

Whenever a new client comes into my office, one of the things we do is sit down together and make a health wishlist. This is a list of everything the client would like to happen. The first things my clients usually mention are that they want to change the number on the scale, and/or they want to change the progression of a chronic disease they have been diagnosed with. I think those goals are too narrow. Why limit yourself to a diagnosis or a number on the scale, or that one, most pressing symptom? I want you to dream big. Think of everything you want for your body. And this can be an ongoing list. You can check things off as you achieve them, and you can always add more. In fact, I encourage you to add more, as you learn more and get to know this process better. I always encourage my clients to go further.
Actually, write it down. Include everything! Dream big. And then recognize something very important: Everything you eat influences the possibility that every single thing on your wish list will come true.
Did you know?

The Fast Metabolism Cleanse starts with a proprietary pea/rice protein that's naturally vegan and gluten-free. It is packed with targeted micronutrients and whole foods such as organic kale, spinach, and spirulina. Enhanced with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients like quercetin, rutin, turmeric and pomegranate, the Fast Metabolism Cleanse is a total body makeover from the inside out.
Make sure you find out more about the Fast Metabolism Cleanse
Use your 10% Membership Discount for the Fast Metabolism Cleanse now!
In Good Health,