Episode 14: Help My Hormones Are Out Of Control
Oftentimes, when we go through menopause and we don't stay in balance, we gain weight. You may ask how do we lose this menopause-based weight gain? On today’s special broadcast, Haylie Pomroy tackles this question, along with other interesting ones, in this Q&A session. Other topics discussed include how we can balance bad cholesterol (LDL), good cholesterol (HDL), and triglycerides, and the relationship between leptin levels and weight loss. Don’t miss this very informative episode because there are a lot that Haylie is going to dive into.
Watch the episode here:
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I wanted to start a Q and A session, a question and answer session. I have lots of questions. You have posted questions. I hope to have some great answers for you or at least we can work through these things together. I have my shake. I have my water. I have all my books. As many of you know, we have and a very active member site or private member community. In that community, our team likes to answer all of your questions. I like to jump on and answer your questions. Our team meets collectively once a week and some questions that maybe I missed and they can't get answers to. We talk about those and get you more answers. Sometimes we write blog posts about them because your questions are so fascinating or there are things that we feel like could help this beautiful and amazing community. I know all of you have set aside some time for yourselves and us together. I want to make sure that we get your questions answered. Krista and Jenny from our community had a great question. They said, “Are there any additional suggestions for losing menopause-based weight gain?”
Depending on what philosophy of medicine you look at, we'll go through that a little bit. Menopause is when the ovaries start to have an elevation in FSH, Follicle Stimulating Hormone, which comes from our pituitary and it tries to drive the ovaries to finish ovulating as well as start to shut down. We stopped the ovulation process or the ovulation process becomes less effective. We become less fertile and as we're going through perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause, there are different metabolic pathways that slowdown that stimulates estrogen production in other areas of our bodies. One area of our body that is quite efficient at producing estrogen is not always the healthiest version of estrogen but as our adipocytes or what we call our fat. What a lot of us don't always recognize it embraces our fat that we carry on our body is important to carry nutrients, hold reserve energy, and buffer our organs from damage. When we get a proliferation or a buildup of fat, it can create an imbalance in not the scale but in our hormones. We have to look at fat for what it is.
It is an accessory gland. An organ and a gland that secretes hormones, inulin, leptin but the estrogens. Oftentimes if we go through menopause and we don't stay in balance, we do gain weight. It's fluffy weight, a lot of midsection weight sometimes a lot of bra fat weight and so ways to support that is to support the metabolic pathways of fat storage, very specifically we look a lot at the liver. We look a lot at phase two at the fast metabolism diet being a very important one. Sometimes one week, every other month with my clients that are going through menopause, we will incorporate a phase one intensive during the fast metabolism diet.
The other thing that we do is sometimes take phase three, which is a lot about hormones and we will do one of two options. We'll do the H-Burn during the last three days of the week. Phase one, Monday and Tuesday, phase two, Wednesday and Thursday, phase three, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We will do an H-Burn. Even sometimes with my clients that are struggling to create homeostasis during menopause, we will do a three-day soup cleanse or a three-day fast metabolism cleanse where we do phase one, phase two and then three days of five shakes a day. Those are all little things that you can incorporate with modifying the food and food style that you eat.
From a nutraceutical perspective metabolism DIM has been very supportive for my clients going through any hormone transition and metabolism fatty acids. Those two are good at preventing weight gain and helping you through those processes of unleashing potential weight gain. If you have found which some of my clients come to me and they gained 20 to 40 lbs during this transition, they don't recognize their body. Things have changed. It's become extremely easy to gain weight, very hard to lose weight. We have two boosters, one is FatBlaster and one is Bye Bye Belly Fat. The FatBlaster helps a little bit more when you have that hard fat and you're stuck on a plateau. The Bye Bye Belly Fat happens when you're in a weight gain or it's really easy to gain weight. It's got a lot of hormone support in it. What I'll have my clients do is I'll have them rotate 30 days on one and then 30 days on the other. If they're doing metabolism revolution, which is another whole another food plan and we're working on really tightening up defining collagen and elastin. We need to shake up a lot of adrenal when individuals have had a lot of stress, we'll add in the Metabolism Revolution and the FatBlaster.
Those seem to go well together when we're dealing with hormone-based waking. I know you're going to say, “Wait a minute, Haylie but the Bye-Bye Belly Fat has the DIM in it.” Yes, when you're dealing with hormone bait weight-based weight gain, that works well with the fast metabolism diet and the metabolism cleanse. Lots of information in there, things that I want you to check are, check your pH, your seven-day pH, the digestive reserves a good one too. When you're dealing with menopause, we look at the seven-day pH that gives us a lot of indication of what the body's ecosystem is doing with inflammatory pro and anti-inflammatory hormones. I'm going to distill it down a little bit. When the ovaries start to get-go dormant, the body depends on fat metabolism even more. If it's out of balance, specifically around how the liver metabolized fats and cleaves it into the master hormone, we will build fat. We want to focus on that.
LDLs, HDLs And Triglycerides
Tips at phase two intensive, maybe once a month. Try once a month, maybe doing three days of five shakes a day on that with the ten-day cleanse or the metabolism shake. During phase three of the fast metabolism diet, try adding the H-Burn for three days during the last three days of the fast metabolism diet. If you do the metabolism revolution, which is great to add fourteen days of that in there, add FatBlaster with it. If you feel like you're in a weight gain trajectory like it's so easy, maybe Margarita falls in your mouth and boom, you're up to three lbs on Monday, metabolism Bye Bye Belly Fat is really good for that. I hope that helps and let's get to our next question.
This is a collective question from the private community, “LDLs, HDLs and triglycerides. How do I get those into balance?” This is having all to do with lipids in the body. LDLs are what we call Low Down Dirty Lipoprotein. They're actually Low-Density Lipoprotein but the way I remember is those are the bad fats that can cause heart disease and coupled with inflammation can cause a blockage of arteries. The HDLs handy-dandy lipoproteins. Remember those are the good ones. Those help bind the bad lipids and bring them to be metabolized. We want those high with the HDLs high and the LDLs, we want those numbers to be low. We have the third component that we're looking at in this question, which is what's called triglycerides, which is tri, three sugars and a fat.
Let's talk about metabolic pathways. You are on the ten-day cleanse, that is the perfect thing to be doing when you're trying to create homeostasis in your lipids. We talk a lot about this. We teach about the nutrients in the cleanse. We teach about the metabolic pathways that the ten-day cleanse is specifically nurturing, which is to take lipids primarily cholesterol and converted them into those master hormones. I want to talk about those a little bit individually. Triglycerides, it's really important that you are able to cleave your sugars and your lipids. Individuals and triglycerides, in my opinion, they have a higher cardiovascular risk, have a higher risk with vision issues, definitely memory and cognition issues. We want to keep those numbers nice and juicy. Do your digestive reserve testing because it's the enzymes in the body that help you cleave those triglyceride molecules and make them like the magic that they can be for your metabolism if you're breaking them down.
Think of them like carbs. Many people diet and they're afraid of carbs. Carbs are so good for you as long as you can metabolize them. Triglycerides are so good for you as long as you can metabolize them. If you're having an issue with triglycerides, I want you to go and download the Digestive Reserve Test. I want you to test the digestive reserve and look at this suggestion also, watch our video on that. From a supplement perspective, the two that are magical in my opinion, in our clinic and we check labs and retest labs and there's a lot of pressure to get it right because we have amazing doctors that send us clients, the fatty acids, metabolism fatty acids and metabolism enzymes. Those seem to make the biggest difference in the lipids when we're talking about LDLs, the Low-Down Dirty Lipoproteins, the bad lipid proteins. If you have those high, which can sometimes drive your total cholesterol high. We want to look at how the body's metabolizing cholesterol. We want to look at folic acid metabolism and we want to look at B12 nutrients and we want to look at liver support.
The ultimate liver support is probably in the ten-day cleanse and the metabolism shake. The next one would be in the phase two shake. For example, I have clients that maybe aren't on a program or they're off plan right now but they still do the metabolism shake in the morning and at 4:00. We are able to work well with those nutrients to repair the metabolic pathways that will elevate LDL. The other thing that we look at is if you're going in to see your doc, especially if you've validated B-vitamins, you want to ask them to check. You can even order it online for what they call MTHFR, Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase.

What that means is that you don't have an enzyme that cleaves folic acid efficiently. You want to make sure that you're using either our multivitamin, which I know is the very best on the planet or one that has methylated folic acid. We have found that if you can supplement with methylated folic acid, that allows the body to metabolize the LDLs and drive that number down efficiently. If you have high LDLs and you didn't have bacon 24 hours before your test, a bunch of it, there's something in how you metabolize it that you're not accessing that gold, which we call cholesterol.
Flats, we did the Request for Care and then I saw a follow-up question. Be good to see if you're methylating your B vitamins efficiently. If not, I don't, I have the genetic snip, I don't do that. I have always used a methylated folic acid, which is why we get ours out of Milan, Italy and we get our bees out of Spain because it's very difficult to get a clean source of methylated B vitamins, methylated folic acid in the United States. Let's talk to HDL. Those are the handy-dandy lipoproteins. Those are the ones that help with libido, sex drive, feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and excited about life. They're mood-elevating when they're at a nice, juicy, healthy level. We want our HDLs to be high. Also, make sure that when you're communicating with your practitioner, if you have a high cholesterol but a high HDL, that's part of that calculation. Don't let them accidentally think that total cholesterol being high is a bad thing because it could be that your HDLs are nice and high.
Metabolism, fatty acids, again, phenomenal for elevated HDLs. HDLs are produced in the liver. We want to do lots of liver nurturing. We have a ton of suggestions on the website for the liver but again, think the ten-day cleanse, think phase two. I know everybody's favorite phase on the fast metabolism diet. In Fast Metabolism Food Rx book, we have a dedicated section to cholesterol and lipids. When you go to our website, you can get the digital download for the cholesterol book, grab that, it's free. Print it out, check it out. See if that's something that you maybe want to incorporate. I want you to know that when you get those labs and they say, “You have high total cholesterol or you have high LDL, HDL, triglycerides.” What are they? What's going on in your body? It's not a bad thing. It's your body communicating through your chemistry, which what a smart body and what fabulous language skills your body has.
We need to define what it means and what metabolic pathways. In this book also, in Fast Metabolism Food Rx, remember in the back of each section, we have labs to engage with your practitioner on but also what those labs mean. I don't want you to get your labs back and be afraid or be scared or be nervous. I want you to be in awe of your body and its ability to communicate. Sometimes that communication might feel like it's in a foreign language because you're not savvy yet about your labs but this book is like a cheat sheet and a guide. We have a lot of that good stuff on the website too.
Leptin Levels And Weight Loss
Let's get to the next question. We got into a nice juicy discussion in our membership section about an individual that had elevated leptin levels. When leptin levels are high, it can be really difficult with weight loss. One of the things that I had suggested that we engage their practitioner with was checking reverse T3, TPO and ATA. I don't want to speak a foreign language. I want to make sure that we're all on the same page. Let's go over those quick. Leptin is a hormone and I'm going to distill it down. There's a lot about leptin but I'm going to distill it down. It is part of the hormone feedback loop in the actual adipocyte, the actual fat cell so remember, it's really good for FatBlaster. That's more for the anatomy of the fat cell and Metabolism Revolution is really good for the anatomy of the fat cell. Fast metabolism diet and Bye Bye Belly Fit is really good for the physiology of the fat cell, the hormones of the fat cell.
With leptin, it gives an indication of should the fat cells engorge or should they flatten. Also, it has a feedback loop with a lot of the stuff in the brain chemistry that tells us that we're full, satiated that sugar has been taken up into the cell efficiently and into the mitochondria to be metabolized and given off for energy. When I said, we should check maybe reverse T3, that is a thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone is primarily secreted. We call it T4 because it has four iodine molecules attached to it. Our liver converts it into T3, which becomes now active to bind with receptor sites to be up taken into the cell and burn fat, burn energy, burn fuel. With reverse T3, the bond angle, the iodine is taken from a funny spot. What happens is your body says, “Yes, I've got tons of thyroid. I'm good. My TSH maybe's even awesome.” However, it doesn't fit into the receptor site. It doesn't realize its potential as being a metabolism superhero. You can go in and they say your thyroid's good and everything's cool but you're creating this thyroid hormone that is misshapen. That's why they call it a reverse T3. It's got a reverse bond angle. That's one really good thing to test.
The other thing that I said was TPO, which is Thyroid Peroxidase and ATA, which is Antithyroid Antibody. Again, I'm distilling this down but the way I like to think of antithyroid antibody is that your body views your own thyroid hormones as a foreign invader as if you had a virus and you create an antibody. As if you had an infection and you create an antibody and what an antibody does is it inhibits receptor site. Inhibits it from realizing its true potential, your thyroid hormones. Sometimes and it is part of an auto-immune response, our body will create an antibody to one or many of the hormones that we secrete.
The thyroid, specifically being the metabolism or metabolic superhero, is not one that you want to treat as a foreign invader but it happens. It's good to know if that's what your body's doing because then we want to work on the metabolic pathways that are associated with auto-immunity and the body attacking a cell for hormone as if it were a foreign invader. Back to the reverse T3 that has to do with how the body cleaves the thyroid hormone and so that's like the metabolism free radicals. We find that phenomenal when those are elevated. We also find phase one super intensive and then adrenal repair. Look at those things. Those are important if we have an elevated, reverse T3.
Thyroid peroxidase or TPO happens when the body goes to the thyroid. Sometimes individuals with elevated thyroid peroxidase will say they have difficulty in swallowing. Sometimes they get rashing or welts. Sometimes they get swollen in the thyroid area, they get benign nodules, cold nodules. What happens is it's almost like you have a histamine response on the gland itself. Again, it does fall into that auto-immune category. However, it's a little bit of a different response than the antibody that happens outside into the bloodstream, as opposed to having an actual focalized response on the thyroid gland itself. Usually, we don't have elevated leptin levels for no reason. There's usually some underlying metabolic pathway that needs to be nurtured, supported or helped. When I have individuals with thyroid peroxidase, metabolism histamine is phenomenal. Your multi cause of the methylated folic acid and the Bs is messed with my clients that have that. The other one is metabolism energy.
Metabolism energy has a lot of what they call bioflavonoids in it, which are naturally anti-inflammatory phytonutrients that come from the pith and the peel of citruses that help reduce inflammation, specifically with mast cell production and histamine production. There's also a bioflavonoid called Quercetin which helps. There are phenomenal studies on Quercetin bioflavonoids in general but helping both with histamine and mast cell production. The other one is metabolism free radicals. It's a very powerful antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory support.
What we do is we get those levels when an individual has that and then we use them in your member section, go and grab your protocol for progress sheet. We list your numbers and your values. Whenever we create a protocol nutritionally, nutraceutically, it has to have success. We don't want to make all of this amazing effort for not one, either gaining more information from our body or resolving or supporting something that's going on. In that, we want to check whatever your values are. If anything's off, we're going to employ a nutritional nutraceutical approach and then we want to have them rechecked and make sure that they're good.

A funny story, I had a client that came in and they were on a statin drug for high cholesterol. They had been on it for six years and had not had their lipids checked in six years. This individual that came in to see me had had significant weight loss. We had gotten 30 lbs of weight off and they'd never rechecked the cholesterol. The same statin drug was given at the same dosage. I said, “We need to make sure that we check our body and our chemistry.” A significant 10% of your bodyweight reduction is huge and more than that is even huger when we're talking about hormone fluctuation. It could be as significant as the hormone fluctuation that happens with pregnancy, starting your periods, going through menopause. Remember, we want to look at that and remember that cholesterol is part of hormone metabolism and the thyroid is the hormone superhero. That's why I bring that up.
It looks like we have time for one more question. Anne said that when she started doing the heavy metal detox, she noticed that she was having some bruising and wanted to know if that was because a drop may be in folic acid, vitamin D, potassium. What could potentially be going on? There are a couple of things that happen when you do heavy metal detox. Remember that metals are fat-soluble toxins so they store in the fat cells. They also create a pro-inflammatory response. If you aren't familiar with our heavy metal detox on the website, HayliePomroy.com under education, we have all of our programs on there. You can go through and get up to speed with what everybody's talking about. We don't have one program. There is no one size that fits all your body is a very dynamic body, having a very biodiverse experience. My clients have been with me for over twenty years. We've had a lot of experiences together. One that we talk about is doing the heavy metal detox, in which we use a key lint that binds with metals and helps shuttle and take that out.
Sometimes with a heavy metal detox, there is a process that happens and I talked a little bit about it. When I talked about B vitamins, there is methylation, a detox process especially with metal-based toxins and metal petrochemical and plastics, parabens. Those can affect your demand for B vitamins. If we find B vitamins pooling in the bloodstream and our body not up taking them sometimes, we need to add a great trick that we use is in The Burn book. If you guys have this one too, there is the I-Burn. The foods and specifically the tea in the I-Burn can help with B vitamin uptake and help prevent that bruising. When you go meet with your practitioner, you want to check your B levels. You want to check, not iron but there's a hormone that's called ferritin, which is produced by the liver that allows the iron molecule to be cleaved and broken so that it can realize its potential.
The iron travels around its world in the bloodstream carry a lot by the red blood cells and it has four oxygen's bound to it. Ferritin helps cleave that so that you can receive your iron. Ferritin is a nutrient-dependent on the liver secretion hormone that helps iron realize that. If you're concerned about anemia, don't get your iron level, make sure they're checking your ferritin level. I know because we met on the and you guys will see this when you watch the Request for Care that you were having elevated B in the bloodstream. What it's telling us is that you're not taking that up, you're not recognizing and acknowledging it. I would layer a lot of the I-Burn or maybe when you do the heavy metals, instead of doing the ten-day cleanse, I would think about doing the pain inflammation protocol because that will help you with that particular metabolic pathway a little more efficiently.
You keep your questions flowing. Keep dedicated to your health. Keep informing your body. When you're stuck and if you're struggling, be gentle and kind to yourself because it's communicating in a language that you haven't quite mastered yet and that's okay. There might be somebody in the member community, that's been through exactly what you've been through. That's had success by adding a success booster or tweaking something in their food schedule. Make sure that you ask those questions that you lean on this amazing community that we have for support.
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Oftentimes, when we go through menopause and we don't stay in balance, we gain weight. You may ask how do we lose this menopause-based weight gain? On today’s special broadcast, Haylie Pomroy tackles this question, along with other interesting ones, in this Q&A session. Other topics discussed include how we can balance bad cholesterol (LDL), good cholesterol (HDL), and triglycerides, and the relationship between leptin levels and weight loss. Don’t miss this very informative episode because there are a lot that Haylie is going to dive into.
Watch the episode here:
Listen to the podcast here:
I wanted to start a Q and A session, a question and answer session. I have lots of questions. You have posted questions. I hope to have some great answers for you or at least we can work through these things together. I have my shake. I have my water. I have all my books. As many of you know, we have and a very active member site or private member community. In that community, our team likes to answer all of your questions. I like to jump on and answer your questions. Our team meets collectively once a week and some questions that maybe I missed and they can't get answers to. We talk about those and get you more answers. Sometimes we write blog posts about them because your questions are so fascinating or there are things that we feel like could help this beautiful and amazing community. I know all of you have set aside some time for yourselves and us together. I want to make sure that we get your questions answered. Krista and Jenny from our community had a great question. They said, “Are there any additional suggestions for losing menopause-based weight gain?”
Depending on what philosophy of medicine you look at, we'll go through that a little bit. Menopause is when the ovaries start to have an elevation in FSH, Follicle Stimulating Hormone, which comes from our pituitary and it tries to drive the ovaries to finish ovulating as well as start to shut down. We stopped the ovulation process or the ovulation process becomes less effective. We become less fertile and as we're going through perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause, there are different metabolic pathways that slowdown that stimulates estrogen production in other areas of our bodies. One area of our body that is quite efficient at producing estrogen is not always the healthiest version of estrogen but as our adipocytes or what we call our fat. What a lot of us don't always recognize it embraces our fat that we carry on our body is important to carry nutrients, hold reserve energy, and buffer our organs from damage. When we get a proliferation or a buildup of fat, it can create an imbalance in not the scale but in our hormones. We have to look at fat for what it is.
It is an accessory gland. An organ and a gland that secretes hormones, inulin, leptin but the estrogens. Oftentimes if we go through menopause and we don't stay in balance, we do gain weight. It's fluffy weight, a lot of midsection weight sometimes a lot of bra fat weight and so ways to support that is to support the metabolic pathways of fat storage, very specifically we look a lot at the liver. We look a lot at phase two at the fast metabolism diet being a very important one. Sometimes one week, every other month with my clients that are going through menopause, we will incorporate a phase one intensive during the fast metabolism diet.
The other thing that we do is sometimes take phase three, which is a lot about hormones and we will do one of two options. We'll do the H-Burn during the last three days of the week. Phase one, Monday and Tuesday, phase two, Wednesday and Thursday, phase three, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We will do an H-Burn. Even sometimes with my clients that are struggling to create homeostasis during menopause, we will do a three-day soup cleanse or a three-day fast metabolism cleanse where we do phase one, phase two and then three days of five shakes a day. Those are all little things that you can incorporate with modifying the food and food style that you eat.
From a nutraceutical perspective metabolism DIM has been very supportive for my clients going through any hormone transition and metabolism fatty acids. Those two are good at preventing weight gain and helping you through those processes of unleashing potential weight gain. If you have found which some of my clients come to me and they gained 20 to 40 lbs during this transition, they don't recognize their body. Things have changed. It's become extremely easy to gain weight, very hard to lose weight. We have two boosters, one is FatBlaster and one is Bye Bye Belly Fat. The FatBlaster helps a little bit more when you have that hard fat and you're stuck on a plateau. The Bye Bye Belly Fat happens when you're in a weight gain or it's really easy to gain weight. It's got a lot of hormone support in it. What I'll have my clients do is I'll have them rotate 30 days on one and then 30 days on the other. If they're doing metabolism revolution, which is another whole another food plan and we're working on really tightening up defining collagen and elastin. We need to shake up a lot of adrenal when individuals have had a lot of stress, we'll add in the Metabolism Revolution and the FatBlaster.
Those seem to go well together when we're dealing with hormone-based waking. I know you're going to say, “Wait a minute, Haylie but the Bye-Bye Belly Fat has the DIM in it.” Yes, when you're dealing with hormone bait weight-based weight gain, that works well with the fast metabolism diet and the metabolism cleanse. Lots of information in there, things that I want you to check are, check your pH, your seven-day pH, the digestive reserves a good one too. When you're dealing with menopause, we look at the seven-day pH that gives us a lot of indication of what the body's ecosystem is doing with inflammatory pro and anti-inflammatory hormones. I'm going to distill it down a little bit. When the ovaries start to get-go dormant, the body depends on fat metabolism even more. If it's out of balance, specifically around how the liver metabolized fats and cleaves it into the master hormone, we will build fat. We want to focus on that.
LDLs, HDLs And Triglycerides
Tips at phase two intensive, maybe once a month. Try once a month, maybe doing three days of five shakes a day on that with the ten-day cleanse or the metabolism shake. During phase three of the fast metabolism diet, try adding the H-Burn for three days during the last three days of the fast metabolism diet. If you do the metabolism revolution, which is great to add fourteen days of that in there, add FatBlaster with it. If you feel like you're in a weight gain trajectory like it's so easy, maybe Margarita falls in your mouth and boom, you're up to three lbs on Monday, metabolism Bye Bye Belly Fat is really good for that. I hope that helps and let's get to our next question.
This is a collective question from the private community, “LDLs, HDLs and triglycerides. How do I get those into balance?” This is having all to do with lipids in the body. LDLs are what we call Low Down Dirty Lipoprotein. They're actually Low-Density Lipoprotein but the way I remember is those are the bad fats that can cause heart disease and coupled with inflammation can cause a blockage of arteries. The HDLs handy-dandy lipoproteins. Remember those are the good ones. Those help bind the bad lipids and bring them to be metabolized. We want those high with the HDLs high and the LDLs, we want those numbers to be low. We have the third component that we're looking at in this question, which is what's called triglycerides, which is tri, three sugars and a fat.
Let's talk about metabolic pathways. You are on the ten-day cleanse, that is the perfect thing to be doing when you're trying to create homeostasis in your lipids. We talk a lot about this. We teach about the nutrients in the cleanse. We teach about the metabolic pathways that the ten-day cleanse is specifically nurturing, which is to take lipids primarily cholesterol and converted them into those master hormones. I want to talk about those a little bit individually. Triglycerides, it's really important that you are able to cleave your sugars and your lipids. Individuals and triglycerides, in my opinion, they have a higher cardiovascular risk, have a higher risk with vision issues, definitely memory and cognition issues. We want to keep those numbers nice and juicy. Do your digestive reserve testing because it's the enzymes in the body that help you cleave those triglyceride molecules and make them like the magic that they can be for your metabolism if you're breaking them down.
Think of them like carbs. Many people diet and they're afraid of carbs. Carbs are so good for you as long as you can metabolize them. Triglycerides are so good for you as long as you can metabolize them. If you're having an issue with triglycerides, I want you to go and download the Digestive Reserve Test. I want you to test the digestive reserve and look at this suggestion also, watch our video on that. From a supplement perspective, the two that are magical in my opinion, in our clinic and we check labs and retest labs and there's a lot of pressure to get it right because we have amazing doctors that send us clients, the fatty acids, metabolism fatty acids and metabolism enzymes. Those seem to make the biggest difference in the lipids when we're talking about LDLs, the Low-Down Dirty Lipoproteins, the bad lipid proteins. If you have those high, which can sometimes drive your total cholesterol high. We want to look at how the body's metabolizing cholesterol. We want to look at folic acid metabolism and we want to look at B12 nutrients and we want to look at liver support.
The ultimate liver support is probably in the ten-day cleanse and the metabolism shake. The next one would be in the phase two shake. For example, I have clients that maybe aren't on a program or they're off plan right now but they still do the metabolism shake in the morning and at 4:00. We are able to work well with those nutrients to repair the metabolic pathways that will elevate LDL. The other thing that we look at is if you're going in to see your doc, especially if you've validated B-vitamins, you want to ask them to check. You can even order it online for what they call MTHFR, Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase.
What that means is that you don't have an enzyme that cleaves folic acid efficiently. You want to make sure that you're using either our multivitamin, which I know is the very best on the planet or one that has methylated folic acid. We have found that if you can supplement with methylated folic acid, that allows the body to metabolize the LDLs and drive that number down efficiently. If you have high LDLs and you didn't have bacon 24 hours before your test, a bunch of it, there's something in how you metabolize it that you're not accessing that gold, which we call cholesterol.
Flats, we did the Request for Care and then I saw a follow-up question. Be good to see if you're methylating your B vitamins efficiently. If not, I don't, I have the genetic snip, I don't do that. I have always used a methylated folic acid, which is why we get ours out of Milan, Italy and we get our bees out of Spain because it's very difficult to get a clean source of methylated B vitamins, methylated folic acid in the United States. Let's talk to HDL. Those are the handy-dandy lipoproteins. Those are the ones that help with libido, sex drive, feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and excited about life. They're mood-elevating when they're at a nice, juicy, healthy level. We want our HDLs to be high. Also, make sure that when you're communicating with your practitioner, if you have a high cholesterol but a high HDL, that's part of that calculation. Don't let them accidentally think that total cholesterol being high is a bad thing because it could be that your HDLs are nice and high.
Metabolism, fatty acids, again, phenomenal for elevated HDLs. HDLs are produced in the liver. We want to do lots of liver nurturing. We have a ton of suggestions on the website for the liver but again, think the ten-day cleanse, think phase two. I know everybody's favorite phase on the fast metabolism diet. In Fast Metabolism Food Rx book, we have a dedicated section to cholesterol and lipids. When you go to our website, you can get the digital download for the cholesterol book, grab that, it's free. Print it out, check it out. See if that's something that you maybe want to incorporate. I want you to know that when you get those labs and they say, “You have high total cholesterol or you have high LDL, HDL, triglycerides.” What are they? What's going on in your body? It's not a bad thing. It's your body communicating through your chemistry, which what a smart body and what fabulous language skills your body has.
We need to define what it means and what metabolic pathways. In this book also, in Fast Metabolism Food Rx, remember in the back of each section, we have labs to engage with your practitioner on but also what those labs mean. I don't want you to get your labs back and be afraid or be scared or be nervous. I want you to be in awe of your body and its ability to communicate. Sometimes that communication might feel like it's in a foreign language because you're not savvy yet about your labs but this book is like a cheat sheet and a guide. We have a lot of that good stuff on the website too.
Leptin Levels And Weight Loss
Let's get to the next question. We got into a nice juicy discussion in our membership section about an individual that had elevated leptin levels. When leptin levels are high, it can be really difficult with weight loss. One of the things that I had suggested that we engage their practitioner with was checking reverse T3, TPO and ATA. I don't want to speak a foreign language. I want to make sure that we're all on the same page. Let's go over those quick. Leptin is a hormone and I'm going to distill it down. There's a lot about leptin but I'm going to distill it down. It is part of the hormone feedback loop in the actual adipocyte, the actual fat cell so remember, it's really good for FatBlaster. That's more for the anatomy of the fat cell and Metabolism Revolution is really good for the anatomy of the fat cell. Fast metabolism diet and Bye Bye Belly Fit is really good for the physiology of the fat cell, the hormones of the fat cell.
With leptin, it gives an indication of should the fat cells engorge or should they flatten. Also, it has a feedback loop with a lot of the stuff in the brain chemistry that tells us that we're full, satiated that sugar has been taken up into the cell efficiently and into the mitochondria to be metabolized and given off for energy. When I said, we should check maybe reverse T3, that is a thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone is primarily secreted. We call it T4 because it has four iodine molecules attached to it. Our liver converts it into T3, which becomes now active to bind with receptor sites to be up taken into the cell and burn fat, burn energy, burn fuel. With reverse T3, the bond angle, the iodine is taken from a funny spot. What happens is your body says, “Yes, I've got tons of thyroid. I'm good. My TSH maybe's even awesome.” However, it doesn't fit into the receptor site. It doesn't realize its potential as being a metabolism superhero. You can go in and they say your thyroid's good and everything's cool but you're creating this thyroid hormone that is misshapen. That's why they call it a reverse T3. It's got a reverse bond angle. That's one really good thing to test.
The other thing that I said was TPO, which is Thyroid Peroxidase and ATA, which is Antithyroid Antibody. Again, I'm distilling this down but the way I like to think of antithyroid antibody is that your body views your own thyroid hormones as a foreign invader as if you had a virus and you create an antibody. As if you had an infection and you create an antibody and what an antibody does is it inhibits receptor site. Inhibits it from realizing its true potential, your thyroid hormones. Sometimes and it is part of an auto-immune response, our body will create an antibody to one or many of the hormones that we secrete.
The thyroid, specifically being the metabolism or metabolic superhero, is not one that you want to treat as a foreign invader but it happens. It's good to know if that's what your body's doing because then we want to work on the metabolic pathways that are associated with auto-immunity and the body attacking a cell for hormone as if it were a foreign invader. Back to the reverse T3 that has to do with how the body cleaves the thyroid hormone and so that's like the metabolism free radicals. We find that phenomenal when those are elevated. We also find phase one super intensive and then adrenal repair. Look at those things. Those are important if we have an elevated, reverse T3.
Thyroid peroxidase or TPO happens when the body goes to the thyroid. Sometimes individuals with elevated thyroid peroxidase will say they have difficulty in swallowing. Sometimes they get rashing or welts. Sometimes they get swollen in the thyroid area, they get benign nodules, cold nodules. What happens is it's almost like you have a histamine response on the gland itself. Again, it does fall into that auto-immune category. However, it's a little bit of a different response than the antibody that happens outside into the bloodstream, as opposed to having an actual focalized response on the thyroid gland itself. Usually, we don't have elevated leptin levels for no reason. There's usually some underlying metabolic pathway that needs to be nurtured, supported or helped. When I have individuals with thyroid peroxidase, metabolism histamine is phenomenal. Your multi cause of the methylated folic acid and the Bs is messed with my clients that have that. The other one is metabolism energy.
Metabolism energy has a lot of what they call bioflavonoids in it, which are naturally anti-inflammatory phytonutrients that come from the pith and the peel of citruses that help reduce inflammation, specifically with mast cell production and histamine production. There's also a bioflavonoid called Quercetin which helps. There are phenomenal studies on Quercetin bioflavonoids in general but helping both with histamine and mast cell production. The other one is metabolism free radicals. It's a very powerful antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory support.
What we do is we get those levels when an individual has that and then we use them in your member section, go and grab your protocol for progress sheet. We list your numbers and your values. Whenever we create a protocol nutritionally, nutraceutically, it has to have success. We don't want to make all of this amazing effort for not one, either gaining more information from our body or resolving or supporting something that's going on. In that, we want to check whatever your values are. If anything's off, we're going to employ a nutritional nutraceutical approach and then we want to have them rechecked and make sure that they're good.
A funny story, I had a client that came in and they were on a statin drug for high cholesterol. They had been on it for six years and had not had their lipids checked in six years. This individual that came in to see me had had significant weight loss. We had gotten 30 lbs of weight off and they'd never rechecked the cholesterol. The same statin drug was given at the same dosage. I said, “We need to make sure that we check our body and our chemistry.” A significant 10% of your bodyweight reduction is huge and more than that is even huger when we're talking about hormone fluctuation. It could be as significant as the hormone fluctuation that happens with pregnancy, starting your periods, going through menopause. Remember, we want to look at that and remember that cholesterol is part of hormone metabolism and the thyroid is the hormone superhero. That's why I bring that up.
It looks like we have time for one more question. Anne said that when she started doing the heavy metal detox, she noticed that she was having some bruising and wanted to know if that was because a drop may be in folic acid, vitamin D, potassium. What could potentially be going on? There are a couple of things that happen when you do heavy metal detox. Remember that metals are fat-soluble toxins so they store in the fat cells. They also create a pro-inflammatory response. If you aren't familiar with our heavy metal detox on the website, HayliePomroy.com under education, we have all of our programs on there. You can go through and get up to speed with what everybody's talking about. We don't have one program. There is no one size that fits all your body is a very dynamic body, having a very biodiverse experience. My clients have been with me for over twenty years. We've had a lot of experiences together. One that we talk about is doing the heavy metal detox, in which we use a key lint that binds with metals and helps shuttle and take that out.
Sometimes with a heavy metal detox, there is a process that happens and I talked a little bit about it. When I talked about B vitamins, there is methylation, a detox process especially with metal-based toxins and metal petrochemical and plastics, parabens. Those can affect your demand for B vitamins. If we find B vitamins pooling in the bloodstream and our body not up taking them sometimes, we need to add a great trick that we use is in The Burn book. If you guys have this one too, there is the I-Burn. The foods and specifically the tea in the I-Burn can help with B vitamin uptake and help prevent that bruising. When you go meet with your practitioner, you want to check your B levels. You want to check, not iron but there's a hormone that's called ferritin, which is produced by the liver that allows the iron molecule to be cleaved and broken so that it can realize its potential.
The iron travels around its world in the bloodstream carry a lot by the red blood cells and it has four oxygen's bound to it. Ferritin helps cleave that so that you can receive your iron. Ferritin is a nutrient-dependent on the liver secretion hormone that helps iron realize that. If you're concerned about anemia, don't get your iron level, make sure they're checking your ferritin level. I know because we met on the and you guys will see this when you watch the Request for Care that you were having elevated B in the bloodstream. What it's telling us is that you're not taking that up, you're not recognizing and acknowledging it. I would layer a lot of the I-Burn or maybe when you do the heavy metals, instead of doing the ten-day cleanse, I would think about doing the pain inflammation protocol because that will help you with that particular metabolic pathway a little more efficiently.
You keep your questions flowing. Keep dedicated to your health. Keep informing your body. When you're stuck and if you're struggling, be gentle and kind to yourself because it's communicating in a language that you haven't quite mastered yet and that's okay. There might be somebody in the member community, that's been through exactly what you've been through. That's had success by adding a success booster or tweaking something in their food schedule. Make sure that you ask those questions that you lean on this amazing community that we have for support.
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