Episode 4:Supplements Saved My Life- How to Know What to Take and When to Take Them
Supplementation helps your body maintain homeostasis by regulating certain functions, but it’s not as simple as taking a cure-all pill. Wellness consultant and nutritional counselor, Haylie Pomroy returns with another supplement round table to answer some questions from three of her community members. What supplements should you take during perimenopause? Is there a way to know which supplements complement each other and which do not? What supplementation program works best for those with autoimmune disease? Listen in for Haylies’s enlightening insights on these questions.
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Supplements Saved My Life- How to Know What to Take and When to Take Them
I have some of our beloved community members with me. Thank you all for volunteering. We get a lot of requests to talk about supplementation using micronutrients to help heal the metabolism, help promote health. It was the number one thing that was requested when we were on our cruise. I thought it'd be a great idea for us to get together and bring some of our community members on where they can ask me anything that they want around supplementation. Before we get started, I want to introduce our members. This is going to be a little bit of unveiling for me also. Amy, Nancy, and Amina, thank you for being here. Amy, if we can start with you. Let me know a little bit about what led you to the FMD and where you're at on your FMD journey.
Thank you very much. I completed my first 28 days and it took me almost a year of researching Haylie Pomroy, tapping into a lot of information. With the pandemic, I was stuck home and I decided the time to put myself first. I dove right in and I’m down 6 pounds, but my biggest thing is the non-scale victories. I don't have heartburn. I'm not having belly issues, the aching. I’m moving forward and embracing this new eating. I have a great garden, so I'm eating a lot of fresh vegetables. I'm excited about this. Someone said to me one day, “Your body has been taking very good care of you despite the foods that you're eating and where you're at. Now it's time for you to take care of your body.” That's where I am now.
Don't we have a cool community too?
They're my favorite people. Amy, welcome and thank you. I can't wait to know your question. Nancy, welcome. Share a little bit about yourself.
I was referred to your program by a holistic practitioner. She basically said, “You need to detox.” I suffer severely from hypoglycemia. Most diet plans have always been too restrictive. I wind up getting too hungry, having a blood sugar crash and I'm down for a day or two. I got the book. I read it cover to cover before I started. I was excited and I joined online. I'm on my second round of FMD. I lost 11 pounds, which is incredible for me, but I’ve always eaten very healthy. This program, it's a lifestyle change for me. I'm eating more than I have ever eaten and I’m eating great food. I like to cook. The fact that I can try new recipes from the cookbook or change it up. The app is probably the best app I’ve ever seen and I have seen them all. It's life-changing for me not to have those ups and downs, peaks and valleys and keeping my blood sugar stable and loving to cook. There's always something new I can try.
We're going to do a little cooking class. We're going to do some barbecuing this next challenge, which is going to be fun. I have tips. I love to barbecue, but I don't like some of the health implications of some of the steps. Where there's a will, there's always a good way. Amina, thank you so much for being here. I'd love to know a little bit about your health journey and how we came to know one another.
Thank you for having me here. I started out, and I should say we because I brought my husband along the ride with me. I was seeing an acupuncture because I suffer from a lot of autoimmune problems, a lot of inflammation. She turned me on to your book. She loaned me your book and I ended up purchasing my own. I started out with that 10-Day Cleanse. Together, my husband and I, we lost 10 pounds on that cleanse. It felt good. We bought all the shakes. It was almost life-changing. A lot of the recipes that you had in there, I never cooked with some of those ingredients and I loved it, especially the chili. That was very different, adding zucchini to chili.
I never thought of that. That's how we started out. I phased into the phases, the FMD. I started into that, but I didn't successfully finish it out. I try to. I was a little confused on everything to eat and then your app came out and I downloaded the app, which helped tremendously. I started out on that. I did it for the week and then stopped. I got your cookbook and I’ve been following some of the recipes. I've been on this gradual Haylie following doing all things. Now I'm trying to get back on track on FMD. I signed up for your challenge. I'm hoping that I can stick or at least try it out for those 28 days.
Welcome and thank you for sharing that. I want to jump into questions because we've never all gotten to meet before. This is a lovely way to start the relationship of working through questions and stuff. Amy, I'm going to let you start first. I should probably have maybe done some homework or something, but I like to do it from the cuff. You can ask me anything. What have you got?
I’ve been thinking about this. I'm 52. I'm starting with the hormonal stuff and I’ve never taken supplements. I take this supplement with FMD that you have that came with the program, but I'm looking for something that's going to help either balance or help me with the perimenopausal journey I'm about to go into.
Usually, when women or my girlfriend, and we're a similar age, some of the basic things make the biggest impact. That's what I'm always looking for. I'm looking for something in clinical practice that's going to make a therapeutic change. The fatty acids are probably the thing that I get rolled for all the time that all of my female friends take regularly. They are the building blocks for all of the sex hormones. A lot of times as we go through different transitions hormonally, either as menopause, the ovaries start to produce less estrogen in our accessory organs. Our adipocytes or fat cells or even our adrenals, our bone marrow is one of the reasons why we have bone density issues sometimes as women.

As we start to produce less from the ovaries, the other areas of the body require a little more nutrient support. The fatty acids would be anytime. My daughters take it for regular periods. I came up with a formula. When I found out I was pregnant, I didn't want to get stretch marks. I have an autoimmune like you, Amina. It was a very high risk for me to choose to have kids. I started researching. That's how long that one's been around. We had a hard time acquiring the raw ingredients for years and years. We never made it available on the website. It was only available in my clinic because we couldn't manufacture enough of it. It's manufactured not in the States because I have a big issue with purity and fatty acids in the United States. There are some major problems in supplements there.
We acquired the raw ingredients and we were able to manufacture enough that we could put on the website now. They're in a black bottle because they're non-soy. You have to be very careful to not have heat exposure. Even the amber glass, I'm not a big fan of it with lipids. With women, I'm not a fan of fish-based lipids because our bodies can convert those into pro-inflammatory hormones. I would say for women, the fatty acids especially, it's important for crown hair dignity, the strength of the hair so that you don't get the little broken, wispy things, collagen elastin production, all of that is important. More than anything, it nurtures those accessory areas that now are going to produce hormones as the ovaries start to slow down so that they can do so in a balanced way. We won't have the hot flashes, weight gain, fog and the fatigue associated with hormone fluctuations.
Amina, I'm going to throw this in there. When I was looking at this to carry successful pregnancies and I'm a crazy science formulator. Having an autoimmune, you have to be very careful about inflammatory processes. A lot of people don't realize that our sex hormones are pro and anti-inflammatory hormones. They're called prostaglandins. As we go through hormone transition, we want to make sure that we have easy, bioavailable nutrients to regulate those anti and pro-inflammatory hormones, which are our sex hormones so that we don't get the hot flashes, the sleepless nights and things like that. If you're noticing hormone imbalance, like my daughters would get maybe a breakout or my son went away to college and got major breakouts, hot flashes, midsection weight gain, we layer on the metabolism DIM.
DIM helps the body metabolize non-metabolized sex hormones. Think about this. We squeeze out our hormones from these secretory glands, but then our body has to make them bioavailable so we can use them. That process sometimes gets out of balance and we get all of these byproducts of hormones that we can't use. This is like the building blocks when we're dealing with hormone stuff. This is more like helping your body when you produce the hormones, break them down so that you can use them efficiently. I'll use an example in men with low testosterone. A lot of times they will give testosterone. The first thing that I want to do is see if we can't get the body to metabolize what they're producing on their own. We'll use DIM, a woman that gets fibercystic breasts, polycystic ovarian syndrome, osteopenia or hot flashes.
What we want to always do, and this is what I'm saying, even with weight loss, that's why I'm like, “It's the metabolism.” We want to try to nurture the pathways that let you do it as efficiently as your body can, first and foremost. Literally, these are stocking stuffers for every one of my female friends and colleagues. I eat them. I don't even swallow them. I chew them. I know my kids think it's crazy. Every person in my family has these. We have a high breast cancer risk factor in our family. My mom was also a fertility specialist. I don't know if you guys know that but, “Keep your hormones balanced,” is the mantra that I live by. We want to nurture those. If you're noticing any symptoms associated with transitions and hormones, I would layer on the DIM. Nancy, you're up.
How can we know which supplements complement each other and which we should take apart from each other?
We're working on a guidebook because there's a lot. We're in the health and wellness space. I formulated before we did our own supplements for a lot of companies. A lot of companies do a reductionistic line to sell it and everybody should be on it. It's the same reason when I first came out in the diet world. Everybody said, “Haylie, can't you do one diet and tell everybody that's what they have to do? Why do you have The Burn and the Food RX and the Cleanse?” It's because I want you to get what you need with your body. That's why we do a lot of the self-assessment stuff. I always say the metabolism essentials. It's good to be on the multivitamin to level the playing field. Everybody every day, from a folic acid perspective to a food deficiency perspective, the list goes on and on of why we formulated that way. It's also methylated Bs. We get our B out of Milan, Italy. We get our folic out of Spain because it's not just what's in it.
Being in manufacturing for a long time and formulating for a lot of people, you can make the label look sexy, but you don't have to say where stuff is sourced from. It's such a frustrating point for me. When we look at the metabolism and we look at what we're trying to do with food is we're trying to take macronutrients food, complex carbohydrate, your brown rice, and turn it into micronutrients to have the worker bees to heal the metabolism. If you've had a slower sluggish metabolism, because again, I have an autoimmune, I take digestive enzymes. They're anti-inflammatory. They help you break your food down. They especially help you metabolize complex carbohydrates. It's like the upper GI metabolism enzyme and the lower GI absorption metabolism probiotics. Usually, we say like, “Do a multi, an enzyme, a probiotic.”
I wish that that came in the mail. We brush our teeth every day. That's basic health. I like to categorize things as what we call accelerators. We have Bye-Bye Belly Fat and Fat Blaster. They're both awesome. They're both good if a person's metabolism is stuck. I like to rotate those with my clients, but Fat Blaster is like, “I'm stuck. I’ve hit a plateau. I have hard fat. It won't go away from this area.” Even individuals that have lipomas or fatty liver disease. We find in our office that that works good. With the Bye-Bye Belly Fats, it’s like, “What the heck happened to my body? I never had fat here before.” Think historical and situational. Sometimes they both go together. That's why I will say do one for 30 days then do the other for 30 days. That's an accelerator.
Another accelerator that we have is what we call rescue and reserve. Some of the stuff, we had a hard time getting to get enough to sell on the website, but I think we're going to be okay. It's when we combine that T4, T3 and the metabolism control with the fatty acids. When an individual is exhausted, fatigued, when they've been on a lot of sugar, when they eat a lot of processed foods, it's the quickest way that I can get my clients here so that then they can burn fat for fuel. That's a job.
We were talking in our last meeting that losing 10% of your body weight or gaining 10% of your body weight, we need to remember that those adipocytes or endocrine glands, that's equivalent to having part of your ovaries resected or cut out. That would make that much of a hormone impact. It's a big job to lose weight. You losing 11 pounds is amazing. The percentage of your body weight that that is, when we get into that 10% range, it can make a whole cascade of changes. Layering on some of those accelerators when you're working through things. I like to put those in and out therapeutically.
I personally take fatty acids every day. I'm diligent. I take my multi. We chew our probiotics in our family like candy. Especially now with everything going on, we are working on our immune system. Everybody travels within our family as well. I have an autoimmune disorder so I take the Metabolism Free Radicals. It's been life-changing to me and formulating variations of that through my health journey. I was on 60 milligrams of prednisone. That was very hard. I lost part of my right kidney. The free radicals are amazing with pain, with inflammation by keeping your inflammatory hormones stabilized.
I have a tendency to use Metabolism Histamine transiently. One morning, I was sneezing my head off. I'm sensitive to soy. Soy is probably the worst for me, but if I eat a bunch of gluten or something, I look like I have a gluten hangover. I'll take Metabolism Histamine to get that on out. I drink Metabolism Energy every day and I do Metabolism Stress before I can go to bed every night. I consider myself like a I should have been turned in on the lemon law. I have to work hard on it. They call it a premature ovarian failure when it's a certain age, but I had gotten meningitis and I was in UCLA for two weeks and it stopped my periods. I worked a lot on DIM to get things stabilized or back balanced with that. I was diligent on my DIM during that time, and now my hormones are great. I also my shakes all the time and I take my colon transiently. It's not a purge or laxative, so I have a lot of people that take it every day and it nurtures that peristalsis in the bowel.
Nancy, I hope I didn't add more confusion. Let me distill it back down. If I were starting, I would do multi, enzymes, probiotics, fatty acids. I would look at what I wanted to work on. I'd probably pick one of the accelerators and add those on. “All I want to do is eat sugar and go to sleep. I'm stuck and I'm at a plateau. My hormones are totally off.” Bye-Bye Belly Fat would be hormone, stuck would be Fat Blaster, and I cannot stop these cravings. I'm exhausted. I'm fatigued. “I don't have a lot of clarity,” would be the Rescue and Repair. I love talking about supplements. Amina, you're up.
A couple of my questions have been covered, so thank you for that. Obviously, I suffer from autoimmune as well. I have lupus and I have rheumatoid arthritis. I inflame very quickly with the slightest movements. I'm taking the Fatty Acids, the DIM, the Multi, and the Metabolism Colon, which I take here and there. I also have a B complex and vitamin D and I'm on this hydroxychloroquine for my autoimmune. My question is, what is the best for that autoimmune? Can I take them all at the same time like I have been?
I always love if a person's taking anything pharmacologically, supplement or herbal, I love to know if you feel a change. How long have you been on the hydroxychloroquine?
I have been on that for a couple of months.
Were they trying to lower ANA titers or sedimentation rates?
For a long time, I didn't know what was wrong with me. I got diagnosed with all of that, the autoimmune piece of it. This doctor said the goal is to try to reduce a lot of the inflammation that I was having. It was a daily thing I was having where it was a different part of my body that would get inflamed and I couldn’t travel.
We call it traveling bees.
She put me on that. The goal is to try to eventually get off of that and put it in remission.
Do you have the Food RX book?
No, I don't.
There's a great chapter on autoimmune and there are great labs to look at. In the membership section, there's a thing that's called Protocol for Progress. I want you to write down the medications that you're taking, as well as the labs that they're monitoring to see if the medication is doing the job that we want it to do. I also do that even with nutritionals, herbals or anything like that. We want to define what we're doing, why we're doing it and what we should get out of it. With you, they will be looking at sedimentation rate, ANA titers, but you want to make sure that they're looking at the rheumatoid factors.
The goal is that those become stable through nutrition, nutritional supplementation and adding or layering on. Everybody and their brother knows the term hydroxychloroquine from the COVID. The reason I was asking if hydroxychloroquine made an impact and what it made an impact on, did it lower your sed rates? Did it lower your rheumatoid factors? Did it lower your ANA titers? We understand how that drug works. It's almost like a regulator on a car. If you run a Ford Festiva at the Enterprise Rent-A-Car, there's a regulator on your Ford Festiva that only allows it to go to 70 miles per hour. No matter how much you push on the accelerator, it won't go any faster.
Hydroxychloroquine is a regulator of a pro-inflammatory particular class of prostaglandins, a proinflammatory system in the body. Specifically, they call it the cytokines. Maybe you've heard in the media, they talk about one of the issues with COVID is a cytokine storm. The storm or the cytokines coming into the lungs and creating that strong inflammatory response. With lupus, as well as rheumatoid arthritis, we can have a catalyst that can add lighter fluid to this flame that's there and it becomes an immune storm. That's why they'll use that drug to try to regulate it. What we want to do is strengthen your own regulators so that when stressors come about, it can be fatigue, soy, gluten, dairy or strep is a huge one for rheumatoid arthritis. A kid that gets strep in the household and you get these ginormous rheumatological flares. What you want to do is have your own regulator be strong.
I always recommend if you're on any pharmacological, talk to your doctor. Make sure they're cool with it. Take it in and show them the labels. Usually, things that help regulate that are three of them. You're on the fatty acid, which is awesome. I call this selfish because I have a bleeding disorder and I want to have kids. I'm going to search all over the world. I brought stuff in from Germany and was cease and desist by the FDA. I was like, “I'm going to find it because I need it.” This was another selfish one. It's got a particular form of Boswellia and soloxine in it that helps strengthen the regulatory process of inflammation in the body. It's not an anti-inflammatory. It doesn't cool inflammation. It helps your body have that balance between what we call prostaglandin 1, 2, and 3, the pro and anti-inflammatories. That one has been a huge lifesaver for a lot of my clients that have lupus or rheumatoid Rh factors or if your sedimentation rate is elevated. The third one sounds like an odd one to add in, but it's Metabolism Control.
It is a cool support for the adaptogenic hormones in the adrenal, the bone and the brain. It's a formula that we put together. I don't know the powers that come from control your appetite, but it's having that control of how the body regulates the inflammatory and reactive hormones. A lot of times we have cravings like sugar cravings or potato chip cravings to stimulate an endorphin response in our body. That acts almost as a natural steroid or almost like a natural prednisone even. We get those endorphins and those hormones that are produced by that. That formula is awesome for helping get your body to stabilize. What I want is I don't want to say like, “This is awesome. This is going to make you feel better,” and all this stuff. I want us to start charting it with you. I want you to expect perfection from the supplements and the medication you take.
The food that we consume, we have to break that down, deliver it to the right places, secrete what we don't need. Don't have a leaky gut, have enough pancreatic enzymes. It's harder, which is why we use these strategic targeted micronutrients or a physician might use a strategic target pharmacological medication because it goes in and it targets that area. You should have high expectations from any supplement you take or any medication you take. I wish food is harder, but that's the goal. Our quality isn't great. Our accessibility isn't great. Our ripeness isn't great always. If someone's put in a bottle, it goes one of two places. It goes inside my body and it better do something or it goes in the trashcan. That's important.
I want you to grab that protocol for progress. That's what comes to my mind the most, especially because the hydroxychloroquine if you're going to be on it, we want it to hit a home run. When I did prednisone, we want it to do the job so it can move on to another soul to support. We want to give it every possibility that we can to be successful with that. We're going to do one more round of quick questions. Amy, you're up. I hope this is helpful.
It's such great information. I don't know anything about supplements other than The Flintstones. I guess I'm looking for something besides the food, what’s going to help jumpstart the metabolism? Maybe not something I have to take long-term, but what's going to work hand in hand with the food and getting the energy going inside the body?
That's why the accelerators are good. I always tell people when clients come in and they're like, “Let's do this. I got a chunk of time. I'm going to do the cleanse or I'm going to do I'm jumping on your challenge. What do I do?” I'm like, “Grab an accelerator because you're going to put all the effort in with the food perspective.” We usually do between the three. Bye-Bye Belly Fat, Fat Blaster, or Rescue and Repair. There's a whole bunch of in why we put what supplement. Bye-Bye Belly Fat is soft, fluffy fat that feels like your body's like you're maybe losing weight, but it's so easy to gain it. You do good and then margarita falls in your mouth and you're like, “That's awful.” You don't hold on to your weight loss. I have clients that they say, “Tell me what to do.” They're sitting in my office and I say, “We're going to do a Fat Blaster for 30 days. We're going to do Bye-Bye Belly Fat. We're going to oscillate this.”
The Fat Blaster is, “I'm stuck. This is not moving. Maybe I go up and down a little bit, but I'm not marching down like I'm seeing other people marched down.” The Bye-Bye Belly Fat has three things in it. Nancy, this might be very interesting to you. The free radicals, the CLA and the DIM is in the Bye-Bye Belly Fat. We talked about free radicals. One of the things that happen with fat cells is they become swollen. When they become swollen, there's a couple of hormones, adiponectin and leptin, that they start to secrete as an endocrine gland and they get out of balance. If we can take the swelling down, that's a great one. Also, the pathway of inflammation makes insulin not sensitive. What I'm saying is you eat sugar, whether it's a carrot or cheesecake. If you take it into the cell and you burn it for fuel, it’s all good.
When you have inflammation, it inhibits that lock and key, that ability for it to come out of the bloodstream and into the cell. We don't want the inflammation. That's why we add that. The other thing is the conjugated linoleic acid metabolism CLA. Nancy, we use this a lot on dysglycemia, hypoglycemia, blood sugar regulation issues. Conjugated linoleic acid is a specific fatty acid that helps the body in a balanced way pull sugars out of the bloodstream and up into the cell to be metabolized. The last one's the DIM, which is the hormone piece. It helps you when you have those unmetabolized hormones. That's one of the accelerators. I could science geek out about it forever, but the way that I always tell people, if you feel fluffy, a little foggy, edema, swelling, you have that layer of fluff.
I have clients that are working on or have lost 100 pounds. We oscillate that in and out. The Fat Blaster, we got to think about the anatomy of the fat cell a little bit more. We take this between meals. When you're on the Fat Blaster, this helps break down that protein shell so that the fat cell can ooze out the fat. Metals helps to bind the stuff that oozes out. The histamine helps flatten the fat cells. They're a little bit different. The third one, the Rescue and Repair, that's the T4, T3 which helps with thyroid metabolism. That's the superhero, that thermogenic that burn hormones.
The metabolism control, which helps regulate the brain, the bone and the adrenals. Stress hormones. If you're noshing, if you're eating, if you don't feel satiated, that's a great one to layer in. Usually, we layer in those accelerators and you can go with any of the programs. I will say that a lot of people in my office, when they do Metabolism Revolution because that tightens everything back up, a of them like the Fat Blaster with the Cleanse. I would say people a lot of times people do the Bye-Bye Belly Fat with the Cleanse. I have people that do both. If you've hit a plateau and you're doing the Cleanse, the Fat Blaster is better. If you are starting or coming back and do the Cleanse, the Bye-Bye Belly Fat is a great one. My clients that are like tapped out, maxed out, stressed out and do the Cleanse, I do the Rescue and Repair with. Amina, while they work that out, can I jump to you?
I've been trying to exercise a lot to lose weight. What supplement is good for me to take to help my achy joint after that workout and help repair.
The free radicals are the bomb after. The other thing too, Amina, is do a little bit of pH testing. For this next challenge, if you sign up for it, even just watch, we're going to be doing some digestive reserve and pH testing in one of the days that we do the interactive event. That'd be good because in it, it tells you based on what your pH is, should you do lemon or lime before workout? Should you do baking soda and sea salt? It gives you some good lifestyle tips that can help you not go into that in pro-inflammatory response post-workout. I want to do a quick recap. All of our programs, you can use any of our supplements that you feel are beneficial for you. Typically, we always have everybody on the multivitamin. We usually advocate the digestive enzyme, especially if you're a person that has had a poorer than you would like diet in the past, or you've come off a program that's either fasting-based or banishes a particular food group based where you've pushed yourself into like a ketosis for longer than a three-day period.
Those are important to note that they are the only thing on our whole program that is not vegan or vegetarian. Everything else that we have as vegan and vegetarian. Everything that we have is gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free and I will go toe to toe with anybody that is the cleanest product on the planet earth. I am neurotic about that. We cage everything after it's manufactured, which is not required at all in the United States, and have every single thing as a finished product re-assayed for efficacy, dosage, and for purity. We do a bacterial, we do a metal on it. None of that is required. I would not touch it if that company does not do that, that you buy product from. The highest standard is actually the Australian standard. We are FDA approved. We are GMP approved and we also do the Australian standard. We can't sell in Australia, but it's the one that has the highest that you can do.
If you're looking for a supplement and it's not mine, make sure it has all three of those seals. We have accelerators. Once you've got your basic metabolism support in, we do the Bye-Bye Belly Fat, the Fat Blaster, or the Rescue and Repair. We have some accessory ones too that might be of interest to you, but that's the basic ones. Is there an ideal time to take your foundational supplements? We typically take all of our supplements with meals, with the exception on the accelerators. I have a very specific dosage where some of them lie between meals. The reason being that I would like your body to absorb those into the bloodstream more efficiently than go after the food that's in your stomach.
If we have a two-hour period and your body is already in the process of digesting the food, we've produced a lot of hydrochloric acids. That hydrochloric acid level will start to come down. For example, that's when I like to put the metabolism enzymes between the meals so that they don't have as much hydrochloric acid in conjunction with it. As much proteolytic enzymes that you're producing on your own because you've consumed a meal. When we do the Fat Blaster, you'll see I’ll pull the enzymes between meals, but that's only when you're doing them in combination with the metals and the histamine.
If you're doing enzymes outside of the Fat Blaster, you do them with your meals. If you do enzymes during the Fat Blaster, when you’re combining it with chelator in the metals and you're combining it with the product and the histamine, you're going to do those between meals. We are working on making sure that all of this comes in a nice guide and I hope that'll be helpful. Part of us wanting to do the supplement round table was to get together with our community and see what questions you guys have. I want to thank you, Amy, Nancy and Amina for being with us. We'll do more of this. I hope this helped. I will talk to you all soon.
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Important Links:
- 10-Day Cleanse
- The Burn
- Food RX
- Bye-Bye Belly Fat
- Fat Blaster
- Metabolism Free Radicals
- Metabolism Histamine
- Metabolism Energy
- Metabolism Stress
- Fatty Acids
- Multi
- Metabolism Colon
- Metabolism Control
- Metabolism Revolution
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Supplementation helps your body maintain homeostasis by regulating certain functions, but it’s not as simple as taking a cure-all pill. Wellness consultant and nutritional counselor, Haylie Pomroy returns with another supplement round table to answer some questions from three of her community members. What supplements should you take during perimenopause? Is there a way to know which supplements complement each other and which do not? What supplementation program works best for those with autoimmune disease? Listen in for Haylies’s enlightening insights on these questions.
Listen to the Podcast here:
Supplements Saved My Life- How to Know What to Take and When to Take Them
I have some of our beloved community members with me. Thank you all for volunteering. We get a lot of requests to talk about supplementation using micronutrients to help heal the metabolism, help promote health. It was the number one thing that was requested when we were on our cruise. I thought it'd be a great idea for us to get together and bring some of our community members on where they can ask me anything that they want around supplementation. Before we get started, I want to introduce our members. This is going to be a little bit of unveiling for me also. Amy, Nancy, and Amina, thank you for being here. Amy, if we can start with you. Let me know a little bit about what led you to the FMD and where you're at on your FMD journey.
Thank you very much. I completed my first 28 days and it took me almost a year of researching Haylie Pomroy, tapping into a lot of information. With the pandemic, I was stuck home and I decided the time to put myself first. I dove right in and I’m down 6 pounds, but my biggest thing is the non-scale victories. I don't have heartburn. I'm not having belly issues, the aching. I’m moving forward and embracing this new eating. I have a great garden, so I'm eating a lot of fresh vegetables. I'm excited about this. Someone said to me one day, “Your body has been taking very good care of you despite the foods that you're eating and where you're at. Now it's time for you to take care of your body.” That's where I am now.
Don't we have a cool community too?
They're my favorite people. Amy, welcome and thank you. I can't wait to know your question. Nancy, welcome. Share a little bit about yourself.
I was referred to your program by a holistic practitioner. She basically said, “You need to detox.” I suffer severely from hypoglycemia. Most diet plans have always been too restrictive. I wind up getting too hungry, having a blood sugar crash and I'm down for a day or two. I got the book. I read it cover to cover before I started. I was excited and I joined online. I'm on my second round of FMD. I lost 11 pounds, which is incredible for me, but I’ve always eaten very healthy. This program, it's a lifestyle change for me. I'm eating more than I have ever eaten and I’m eating great food. I like to cook. The fact that I can try new recipes from the cookbook or change it up. The app is probably the best app I’ve ever seen and I have seen them all. It's life-changing for me not to have those ups and downs, peaks and valleys and keeping my blood sugar stable and loving to cook. There's always something new I can try.
We're going to do a little cooking class. We're going to do some barbecuing this next challenge, which is going to be fun. I have tips. I love to barbecue, but I don't like some of the health implications of some of the steps. Where there's a will, there's always a good way. Amina, thank you so much for being here. I'd love to know a little bit about your health journey and how we came to know one another.
Thank you for having me here. I started out, and I should say we because I brought my husband along the ride with me. I was seeing an acupuncture because I suffer from a lot of autoimmune problems, a lot of inflammation. She turned me on to your book. She loaned me your book and I ended up purchasing my own. I started out with that 10-Day Cleanse. Together, my husband and I, we lost 10 pounds on that cleanse. It felt good. We bought all the shakes. It was almost life-changing. A lot of the recipes that you had in there, I never cooked with some of those ingredients and I loved it, especially the chili. That was very different, adding zucchini to chili.
I never thought of that. That's how we started out. I phased into the phases, the FMD. I started into that, but I didn't successfully finish it out. I try to. I was a little confused on everything to eat and then your app came out and I downloaded the app, which helped tremendously. I started out on that. I did it for the week and then stopped. I got your cookbook and I’ve been following some of the recipes. I've been on this gradual Haylie following doing all things. Now I'm trying to get back on track on FMD. I signed up for your challenge. I'm hoping that I can stick or at least try it out for those 28 days.
Welcome and thank you for sharing that. I want to jump into questions because we've never all gotten to meet before. This is a lovely way to start the relationship of working through questions and stuff. Amy, I'm going to let you start first. I should probably have maybe done some homework or something, but I like to do it from the cuff. You can ask me anything. What have you got?
I’ve been thinking about this. I'm 52. I'm starting with the hormonal stuff and I’ve never taken supplements. I take this supplement with FMD that you have that came with the program, but I'm looking for something that's going to help either balance or help me with the perimenopausal journey I'm about to go into.
Usually, when women or my girlfriend, and we're a similar age, some of the basic things make the biggest impact. That's what I'm always looking for. I'm looking for something in clinical practice that's going to make a therapeutic change. The fatty acids are probably the thing that I get rolled for all the time that all of my female friends take regularly. They are the building blocks for all of the sex hormones. A lot of times as we go through different transitions hormonally, either as menopause, the ovaries start to produce less estrogen in our accessory organs. Our adipocytes or fat cells or even our adrenals, our bone marrow is one of the reasons why we have bone density issues sometimes as women.
As we start to produce less from the ovaries, the other areas of the body require a little more nutrient support. The fatty acids would be anytime. My daughters take it for regular periods. I came up with a formula. When I found out I was pregnant, I didn't want to get stretch marks. I have an autoimmune like you, Amina. It was a very high risk for me to choose to have kids. I started researching. That's how long that one's been around. We had a hard time acquiring the raw ingredients for years and years. We never made it available on the website. It was only available in my clinic because we couldn't manufacture enough of it. It's manufactured not in the States because I have a big issue with purity and fatty acids in the United States. There are some major problems in supplements there.
We acquired the raw ingredients and we were able to manufacture enough that we could put on the website now. They're in a black bottle because they're non-soy. You have to be very careful to not have heat exposure. Even the amber glass, I'm not a big fan of it with lipids. With women, I'm not a fan of fish-based lipids because our bodies can convert those into pro-inflammatory hormones. I would say for women, the fatty acids especially, it's important for crown hair dignity, the strength of the hair so that you don't get the little broken, wispy things, collagen elastin production, all of that is important. More than anything, it nurtures those accessory areas that now are going to produce hormones as the ovaries start to slow down so that they can do so in a balanced way. We won't have the hot flashes, weight gain, fog and the fatigue associated with hormone fluctuations.
Amina, I'm going to throw this in there. When I was looking at this to carry successful pregnancies and I'm a crazy science formulator. Having an autoimmune, you have to be very careful about inflammatory processes. A lot of people don't realize that our sex hormones are pro and anti-inflammatory hormones. They're called prostaglandins. As we go through hormone transition, we want to make sure that we have easy, bioavailable nutrients to regulate those anti and pro-inflammatory hormones, which are our sex hormones so that we don't get the hot flashes, the sleepless nights and things like that. If you're noticing hormone imbalance, like my daughters would get maybe a breakout or my son went away to college and got major breakouts, hot flashes, midsection weight gain, we layer on the metabolism DIM.
DIM helps the body metabolize non-metabolized sex hormones. Think about this. We squeeze out our hormones from these secretory glands, but then our body has to make them bioavailable so we can use them. That process sometimes gets out of balance and we get all of these byproducts of hormones that we can't use. This is like the building blocks when we're dealing with hormone stuff. This is more like helping your body when you produce the hormones, break them down so that you can use them efficiently. I'll use an example in men with low testosterone. A lot of times they will give testosterone. The first thing that I want to do is see if we can't get the body to metabolize what they're producing on their own. We'll use DIM, a woman that gets fibercystic breasts, polycystic ovarian syndrome, osteopenia or hot flashes.
What we want to always do, and this is what I'm saying, even with weight loss, that's why I'm like, “It's the metabolism.” We want to try to nurture the pathways that let you do it as efficiently as your body can, first and foremost. Literally, these are stocking stuffers for every one of my female friends and colleagues. I eat them. I don't even swallow them. I chew them. I know my kids think it's crazy. Every person in my family has these. We have a high breast cancer risk factor in our family. My mom was also a fertility specialist. I don't know if you guys know that but, “Keep your hormones balanced,” is the mantra that I live by. We want to nurture those. If you're noticing any symptoms associated with transitions and hormones, I would layer on the DIM. Nancy, you're up.
How can we know which supplements complement each other and which we should take apart from each other?
We're working on a guidebook because there's a lot. We're in the health and wellness space. I formulated before we did our own supplements for a lot of companies. A lot of companies do a reductionistic line to sell it and everybody should be on it. It's the same reason when I first came out in the diet world. Everybody said, “Haylie, can't you do one diet and tell everybody that's what they have to do? Why do you have The Burn and the Food RX and the Cleanse?” It's because I want you to get what you need with your body. That's why we do a lot of the self-assessment stuff. I always say the metabolism essentials. It's good to be on the multivitamin to level the playing field. Everybody every day, from a folic acid perspective to a food deficiency perspective, the list goes on and on of why we formulated that way. It's also methylated Bs. We get our B out of Milan, Italy. We get our folic out of Spain because it's not just what's in it.
Being in manufacturing for a long time and formulating for a lot of people, you can make the label look sexy, but you don't have to say where stuff is sourced from. It's such a frustrating point for me. When we look at the metabolism and we look at what we're trying to do with food is we're trying to take macronutrients food, complex carbohydrate, your brown rice, and turn it into micronutrients to have the worker bees to heal the metabolism. If you've had a slower sluggish metabolism, because again, I have an autoimmune, I take digestive enzymes. They're anti-inflammatory. They help you break your food down. They especially help you metabolize complex carbohydrates. It's like the upper GI metabolism enzyme and the lower GI absorption metabolism probiotics. Usually, we say like, “Do a multi, an enzyme, a probiotic.”
I wish that that came in the mail. We brush our teeth every day. That's basic health. I like to categorize things as what we call accelerators. We have Bye-Bye Belly Fat and Fat Blaster. They're both awesome. They're both good if a person's metabolism is stuck. I like to rotate those with my clients, but Fat Blaster is like, “I'm stuck. I’ve hit a plateau. I have hard fat. It won't go away from this area.” Even individuals that have lipomas or fatty liver disease. We find in our office that that works good. With the Bye-Bye Belly Fats, it’s like, “What the heck happened to my body? I never had fat here before.” Think historical and situational. Sometimes they both go together. That's why I will say do one for 30 days then do the other for 30 days. That's an accelerator.
Another accelerator that we have is what we call rescue and reserve. Some of the stuff, we had a hard time getting to get enough to sell on the website, but I think we're going to be okay. It's when we combine that T4, T3 and the metabolism control with the fatty acids. When an individual is exhausted, fatigued, when they've been on a lot of sugar, when they eat a lot of processed foods, it's the quickest way that I can get my clients here so that then they can burn fat for fuel. That's a job.
We were talking in our last meeting that losing 10% of your body weight or gaining 10% of your body weight, we need to remember that those adipocytes or endocrine glands, that's equivalent to having part of your ovaries resected or cut out. That would make that much of a hormone impact. It's a big job to lose weight. You losing 11 pounds is amazing. The percentage of your body weight that that is, when we get into that 10% range, it can make a whole cascade of changes. Layering on some of those accelerators when you're working through things. I like to put those in and out therapeutically.
I personally take fatty acids every day. I'm diligent. I take my multi. We chew our probiotics in our family like candy. Especially now with everything going on, we are working on our immune system. Everybody travels within our family as well. I have an autoimmune disorder so I take the Metabolism Free Radicals. It's been life-changing to me and formulating variations of that through my health journey. I was on 60 milligrams of prednisone. That was very hard. I lost part of my right kidney. The free radicals are amazing with pain, with inflammation by keeping your inflammatory hormones stabilized.
I have a tendency to use Metabolism Histamine transiently. One morning, I was sneezing my head off. I'm sensitive to soy. Soy is probably the worst for me, but if I eat a bunch of gluten or something, I look like I have a gluten hangover. I'll take Metabolism Histamine to get that on out. I drink Metabolism Energy every day and I do Metabolism Stress before I can go to bed every night. I consider myself like a I should have been turned in on the lemon law. I have to work hard on it. They call it a premature ovarian failure when it's a certain age, but I had gotten meningitis and I was in UCLA for two weeks and it stopped my periods. I worked a lot on DIM to get things stabilized or back balanced with that. I was diligent on my DIM during that time, and now my hormones are great. I also my shakes all the time and I take my colon transiently. It's not a purge or laxative, so I have a lot of people that take it every day and it nurtures that peristalsis in the bowel.
Nancy, I hope I didn't add more confusion. Let me distill it back down. If I were starting, I would do multi, enzymes, probiotics, fatty acids. I would look at what I wanted to work on. I'd probably pick one of the accelerators and add those on. “All I want to do is eat sugar and go to sleep. I'm stuck and I'm at a plateau. My hormones are totally off.” Bye-Bye Belly Fat would be hormone, stuck would be Fat Blaster, and I cannot stop these cravings. I'm exhausted. I'm fatigued. “I don't have a lot of clarity,” would be the Rescue and Repair. I love talking about supplements. Amina, you're up.
A couple of my questions have been covered, so thank you for that. Obviously, I suffer from autoimmune as well. I have lupus and I have rheumatoid arthritis. I inflame very quickly with the slightest movements. I'm taking the Fatty Acids, the DIM, the Multi, and the Metabolism Colon, which I take here and there. I also have a B complex and vitamin D and I'm on this hydroxychloroquine for my autoimmune. My question is, what is the best for that autoimmune? Can I take them all at the same time like I have been?
I always love if a person's taking anything pharmacologically, supplement or herbal, I love to know if you feel a change. How long have you been on the hydroxychloroquine?
I have been on that for a couple of months.
Were they trying to lower ANA titers or sedimentation rates?
For a long time, I didn't know what was wrong with me. I got diagnosed with all of that, the autoimmune piece of it. This doctor said the goal is to try to reduce a lot of the inflammation that I was having. It was a daily thing I was having where it was a different part of my body that would get inflamed and I couldn’t travel.
We call it traveling bees.
She put me on that. The goal is to try to eventually get off of that and put it in remission.
Do you have the Food RX book?
No, I don't.
There's a great chapter on autoimmune and there are great labs to look at. In the membership section, there's a thing that's called Protocol for Progress. I want you to write down the medications that you're taking, as well as the labs that they're monitoring to see if the medication is doing the job that we want it to do. I also do that even with nutritionals, herbals or anything like that. We want to define what we're doing, why we're doing it and what we should get out of it. With you, they will be looking at sedimentation rate, ANA titers, but you want to make sure that they're looking at the rheumatoid factors.

The goal is that those become stable through nutrition, nutritional supplementation and adding or layering on. Everybody and their brother knows the term hydroxychloroquine from the COVID. The reason I was asking if hydroxychloroquine made an impact and what it made an impact on, did it lower your sed rates? Did it lower your rheumatoid factors? Did it lower your ANA titers? We understand how that drug works. It's almost like a regulator on a car. If you run a Ford Festiva at the Enterprise Rent-A-Car, there's a regulator on your Ford Festiva that only allows it to go to 70 miles per hour. No matter how much you push on the accelerator, it won't go any faster.
Hydroxychloroquine is a regulator of a pro-inflammatory particular class of prostaglandins, a proinflammatory system in the body. Specifically, they call it the cytokines. Maybe you've heard in the media, they talk about one of the issues with COVID is a cytokine storm. The storm or the cytokines coming into the lungs and creating that strong inflammatory response. With lupus, as well as rheumatoid arthritis, we can have a catalyst that can add lighter fluid to this flame that's there and it becomes an immune storm. That's why they'll use that drug to try to regulate it. What we want to do is strengthen your own regulators so that when stressors come about, it can be fatigue, soy, gluten, dairy or strep is a huge one for rheumatoid arthritis. A kid that gets strep in the household and you get these ginormous rheumatological flares. What you want to do is have your own regulator be strong.
I always recommend if you're on any pharmacological, talk to your doctor. Make sure they're cool with it. Take it in and show them the labels. Usually, things that help regulate that are three of them. You're on the fatty acid, which is awesome. I call this selfish because I have a bleeding disorder and I want to have kids. I'm going to search all over the world. I brought stuff in from Germany and was cease and desist by the FDA. I was like, “I'm going to find it because I need it.” This was another selfish one. It's got a particular form of Boswellia and soloxine in it that helps strengthen the regulatory process of inflammation in the body. It's not an anti-inflammatory. It doesn't cool inflammation. It helps your body have that balance between what we call prostaglandin 1, 2, and 3, the pro and anti-inflammatories. That one has been a huge lifesaver for a lot of my clients that have lupus or rheumatoid Rh factors or if your sedimentation rate is elevated. The third one sounds like an odd one to add in, but it's Metabolism Control.
It is a cool support for the adaptogenic hormones in the adrenal, the bone and the brain. It's a formula that we put together. I don't know the powers that come from control your appetite, but it's having that control of how the body regulates the inflammatory and reactive hormones. A lot of times we have cravings like sugar cravings or potato chip cravings to stimulate an endorphin response in our body. That acts almost as a natural steroid or almost like a natural prednisone even. We get those endorphins and those hormones that are produced by that. That formula is awesome for helping get your body to stabilize. What I want is I don't want to say like, “This is awesome. This is going to make you feel better,” and all this stuff. I want us to start charting it with you. I want you to expect perfection from the supplements and the medication you take.
The food that we consume, we have to break that down, deliver it to the right places, secrete what we don't need. Don't have a leaky gut, have enough pancreatic enzymes. It's harder, which is why we use these strategic targeted micronutrients or a physician might use a strategic target pharmacological medication because it goes in and it targets that area. You should have high expectations from any supplement you take or any medication you take. I wish food is harder, but that's the goal. Our quality isn't great. Our accessibility isn't great. Our ripeness isn't great always. If someone's put in a bottle, it goes one of two places. It goes inside my body and it better do something or it goes in the trashcan. That's important.
I want you to grab that protocol for progress. That's what comes to my mind the most, especially because the hydroxychloroquine if you're going to be on it, we want it to hit a home run. When I did prednisone, we want it to do the job so it can move on to another soul to support. We want to give it every possibility that we can to be successful with that. We're going to do one more round of quick questions. Amy, you're up. I hope this is helpful.
It's such great information. I don't know anything about supplements other than The Flintstones. I guess I'm looking for something besides the food, what’s going to help jumpstart the metabolism? Maybe not something I have to take long-term, but what's going to work hand in hand with the food and getting the energy going inside the body?
That's why the accelerators are good. I always tell people when clients come in and they're like, “Let's do this. I got a chunk of time. I'm going to do the cleanse or I'm going to do I'm jumping on your challenge. What do I do?” I'm like, “Grab an accelerator because you're going to put all the effort in with the food perspective.” We usually do between the three. Bye-Bye Belly Fat, Fat Blaster, or Rescue and Repair. There's a whole bunch of in why we put what supplement. Bye-Bye Belly Fat is soft, fluffy fat that feels like your body's like you're maybe losing weight, but it's so easy to gain it. You do good and then margarita falls in your mouth and you're like, “That's awful.” You don't hold on to your weight loss. I have clients that they say, “Tell me what to do.” They're sitting in my office and I say, “We're going to do a Fat Blaster for 30 days. We're going to do Bye-Bye Belly Fat. We're going to oscillate this.”
The Fat Blaster is, “I'm stuck. This is not moving. Maybe I go up and down a little bit, but I'm not marching down like I'm seeing other people marched down.” The Bye-Bye Belly Fat has three things in it. Nancy, this might be very interesting to you. The free radicals, the CLA and the DIM is in the Bye-Bye Belly Fat. We talked about free radicals. One of the things that happen with fat cells is they become swollen. When they become swollen, there's a couple of hormones, adiponectin and leptin, that they start to secrete as an endocrine gland and they get out of balance. If we can take the swelling down, that's a great one. Also, the pathway of inflammation makes insulin not sensitive. What I'm saying is you eat sugar, whether it's a carrot or cheesecake. If you take it into the cell and you burn it for fuel, it’s all good.
When you have inflammation, it inhibits that lock and key, that ability for it to come out of the bloodstream and into the cell. We don't want the inflammation. That's why we add that. The other thing is the conjugated linoleic acid metabolism CLA. Nancy, we use this a lot on dysglycemia, hypoglycemia, blood sugar regulation issues. Conjugated linoleic acid is a specific fatty acid that helps the body in a balanced way pull sugars out of the bloodstream and up into the cell to be metabolized. The last one's the DIM, which is the hormone piece. It helps you when you have those unmetabolized hormones. That's one of the accelerators. I could science geek out about it forever, but the way that I always tell people, if you feel fluffy, a little foggy, edema, swelling, you have that layer of fluff.
I have clients that are working on or have lost 100 pounds. We oscillate that in and out. The Fat Blaster, we got to think about the anatomy of the fat cell a little bit more. We take this between meals. When you're on the Fat Blaster, this helps break down that protein shell so that the fat cell can ooze out the fat. Metals helps to bind the stuff that oozes out. The histamine helps flatten the fat cells. They're a little bit different. The third one, the Rescue and Repair, that's the T4, T3 which helps with thyroid metabolism. That's the superhero, that thermogenic that burn hormones.
The metabolism control, which helps regulate the brain, the bone and the adrenals. Stress hormones. If you're noshing, if you're eating, if you don't feel satiated, that's a great one to layer in. Usually, we layer in those accelerators and you can go with any of the programs. I will say that a lot of people in my office, when they do Metabolism Revolution because that tightens everything back up, a of them like the Fat Blaster with the Cleanse. I would say people a lot of times people do the Bye-Bye Belly Fat with the Cleanse. I have people that do both. If you've hit a plateau and you're doing the Cleanse, the Fat Blaster is better. If you are starting or coming back and do the Cleanse, the Bye-Bye Belly Fat is a great one. My clients that are like tapped out, maxed out, stressed out and do the Cleanse, I do the Rescue and Repair with. Amina, while they work that out, can I jump to you?
I've been trying to exercise a lot to lose weight. What supplement is good for me to take to help my achy joint after that workout and help repair.
The free radicals are the bomb after. The other thing too, Amina, is do a little bit of pH testing. For this next challenge, if you sign up for it, even just watch, we're going to be doing some digestive reserve and pH testing in one of the days that we do the interactive event. That'd be good because in it, it tells you based on what your pH is, should you do lemon or lime before workout? Should you do baking soda and sea salt? It gives you some good lifestyle tips that can help you not go into that in pro-inflammatory response post-workout. I want to do a quick recap. All of our programs, you can use any of our supplements that you feel are beneficial for you. Typically, we always have everybody on the multivitamin. We usually advocate the digestive enzyme, especially if you're a person that has had a poorer than you would like diet in the past, or you've come off a program that's either fasting-based or banishes a particular food group based where you've pushed yourself into like a ketosis for longer than a three-day period.
Those are important to note that they are the only thing on our whole program that is not vegan or vegetarian. Everything else that we have as vegan and vegetarian. Everything that we have is gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free and I will go toe to toe with anybody that is the cleanest product on the planet earth. I am neurotic about that. We cage everything after it's manufactured, which is not required at all in the United States, and have every single thing as a finished product re-assayed for efficacy, dosage, and for purity. We do a bacterial, we do a metal on it. None of that is required. I would not touch it if that company does not do that, that you buy product from. The highest standard is actually the Australian standard. We are FDA approved. We are GMP approved and we also do the Australian standard. We can't sell in Australia, but it's the one that has the highest that you can do.
If you're looking for a supplement and it's not mine, make sure it has all three of those seals. We have accelerators. Once you've got your basic metabolism support in, we do the Bye-Bye Belly Fat, the Fat Blaster, or the Rescue and Repair. We have some accessory ones too that might be of interest to you, but that's the basic ones. Is there an ideal time to take your foundational supplements? We typically take all of our supplements with meals, with the exception on the accelerators. I have a very specific dosage where some of them lie between meals. The reason being that I would like your body to absorb those into the bloodstream more efficiently than go after the food that's in your stomach.
If we have a two-hour period and your body is already in the process of digesting the food, we've produced a lot of hydrochloric acids. That hydrochloric acid level will start to come down. For example, that's when I like to put the metabolism enzymes between the meals so that they don't have as much hydrochloric acid in conjunction with it. As much proteolytic enzymes that you're producing on your own because you've consumed a meal. When we do the Fat Blaster, you'll see I’ll pull the enzymes between meals, but that's only when you're doing them in combination with the metals and the histamine.
If you're doing enzymes outside of the Fat Blaster, you do them with your meals. If you do enzymes during the Fat Blaster, when you’re combining it with chelator in the metals and you're combining it with the product and the histamine, you're going to do those between meals. We are working on making sure that all of this comes in a nice guide and I hope that'll be helpful. Part of us wanting to do the supplement round table was to get together with our community and see what questions you guys have. I want to thank you, Amy, Nancy and Amina for being with us. We'll do more of this. I hope this helped. I will talk to you all soon.
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Important Links:
- 10-Day Cleanse
- The Burn
- Food RX
- Bye-Bye Belly Fat
- Fat Blaster
- Metabolism Free Radicals
- Metabolism Histamine
- Metabolism Energy
- Metabolism Stress
- Fatty Acids
- Multi
- Metabolism Colon
- Metabolism Control
- Metabolism Revolution