Get Moving With Your Colon

Raise your hand if you’ve ever experienced constipation. If your hand went up, then you know it can be a pain in the butt – literally. Almost all of us experience constipation at least occasionally. All kinds of things can trigger your colon to stop moving waste through your body, but one of the common causes is making a big change in your diet. It’s pretty common for my clients on the Fast Metabolism Diet to report some constipation (or the opposite problem) when they first start. It’s a sign that your body is constantly attempting to keep up with dietary adjustments.

Many people are constipated without even knowing it! That’s because what they perceive as “normal” just isn’t enough. According to The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, constipation is:

  • Fewer than three bowel movements a week
  • Bowel movements with stools that are hard, dry, and small, making them painful or difficult to pass

Sound familiar? Lots of my new clients are shocked when I tell them they should be having a healthy bowel movement at least once a day. It’s critical for the elimination of waste and toxins, and regular bowel movements reduce ‘transit time’ — the amount of time toxins in your waste are exposed to your sensitive intestinal lining.

Keys to a healthy colon

Foods pass through your stomach to the small intestine, where most nutrients are absorbed before passing along what’s left — the waste. Up next is the large intestine — also called the colon. In your colon, most of the water is removed before compacting and passing off waste to the rectum. You know the rest from there.

However, if you’re suffering from constipation, the journey of food through your intestines slows wayyyy down, and that can affect your immune system, skin, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as well as your ability to remove toxins and release fat. You don’t want that!

Below are some colon-friendly tips to help keep things moving along.

If you feel you need extra colon support, I’ve created Metabolism Colon. It’s designed to support gastrointestinal regularity and the absorption of dietary fiber. With magnesium citrate, aloe and triphala, this is one of my favorite ways to promote efficient elimination and reduce ‘transit time’ – the amount of time toxins in your waste products are exposed to the lining in your digestive tract. My Metabolism Colon, coupled with these four tips, should help your colon relieve those constipation symptoms.

  1. Drink up! Water is essential to keep your metabolism working optimally. Drinking water will make sure your body is able to flush waste and toxins. So remember to drink half your body weight in fluid ounces every day.
  2. Avoid trigger foods. Your intestines are also lined with villi, finger-like projections that act like tiny pitchforks to sweep food through your digestive tract. If you eat foods you’re allergic or sensitive to, the inflammatory response can cause swelling in the tissue and paralyze those villi, so they actually end up holding onto your stool instead of shuttling it through your system.
  3. Eat your (friendly) bacteria. Friendly bacteria colonize your colon to help digest your food and synthesize some of the vitamins you need — at least they should be. Imbalanced intestinal bacteria can contribute to constipation, so eat foods like fermented vegetables and drink things like kombucha teas, to help keep your little helpers happy. Here’s a great recipe for Fermented Salsa that meets that criteria and tastes AMAZING. The live bacteria in probiotics can be surprisingly vulnerable to environmental conditions, so I created Metabolism Pro-Biotic, which comes packaged to protect its precious cargo against whatever life throws at you.
  4. Be willing to make adjustments! If you’re not used to eating a lot of fiber, it may take a little while for your bowels to get used to the adjustment, especially during Phase 2 of the Fast Metabolism Diet when you’re not getting the oils that would naturally help things along. A little magnesium before bed will help soften your stool and hydrate your intestines. I also have a delicious Colon Cleanse Smoothie recipe, with senna tea as one of the ingredients. Senna tea is a mild laxative, so you shouldn’t go overboard with it. But most people are just fine if they use it once in a while.

If you give your colon the support it needs it can do wonders for your bodily systems, especially when dealing with constipation. I recommend Metabolism Colon to my clients so they can get that continual colon support during dietary changes. These four tips are also great ways to assist your colon, and know when and what kind of support it needs. Cheers to a struggle-free bowel movement!

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