Episode 27: 20 Tips To A Fast Metabolism

Metabolism affects every aspect of life and health and it is up to us to keep ours in the best shape. Unless you’ve run into this episode by complete accident, it would be safe to assume that you’re ready to take the next step to make a significant positive impact on your health. If you are, then you’re in the right place. Here is a list of 20 simple tips that you can start applying to your lifestyle so that you can achieve faster metabolism, weight loss, and overall better health. Haylie Pomroy gives us a quick summary of the contents of her guidebook, 20 Tips to a Fast Metabolism. For a more detailed discussion of each of this tips, make sure to download the guidebook for free!
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20 Tips To A Fast Metabolism
I want you to print out this 20 Tips To A Fast Metabolism. This is a guidebook that I use with my clients in person that I share with many people in our private community. It has the top twenty things that I feel will make a significant impact on your health. Remember that metabolism affects every aspect of your life and your health. Let’s go through these together.
Get Plenty Of Sleep
First and foremost, I would like to talk about getting plenty of sleep. I know this is almost cliché when we talk about health and when we think about weight loss. When you sleep is when you lose all of your weight. Try it sometimes. Weigh yourself in the morning and then weigh yourself at the end of the day. You will always or typically will weigh more than you do in the morning. Even if you’re in weight-loss mode, you’ll weigh a little bit more in the morning and then a little bit more before you go to bed. The next day when you wake up in the morning, you typically have burned your weight.
How does that happen when you sleep? When you are sleeping, your body is doing the majority of its building and repairing. In order to build and repair, you have to burn fuel, both from the food that you consumed and also the fuel that you’ve stored. Hopefully, we fed our bodies in a way that we consume fuel that comes from stored fat. Things to think of is to turn off all your technology. Get it out of your room. Try if you can to have your alarm clock as far away from you where it’s still going to be effective, but it’s not going to be a subtle stimulus to your body.
The other thing is anything hot or warm before bed. A little bit of a hot tea or a warm compress can help soothe the body. It increases vasodilation but helps soothe the body to secrete those stress-reducing hormones, those things that support sleep, rest and relaxation. Some people do well with meditation, music or white noise. I am someone that that is too much of a stimulus. It has to be dark and quiet for me. Assess what your perfect sleep environment is. Do your best to, one, award yourself with the time that’s appropriate to sleep. Give yourself enough time for sleep, and then recognize what the best sleep environment is. If you are not sleeping well, make sure that you are taking the Food Rx Quiz on the website. We want to make sure that there’s not something with hormones, stress-based or sex hormone-based. Make sure that there’s nothing from an autoimmune perspective. Once we cleaned up the environment, we will look for little subtle signs that we maybe need to go deeper into repairing something a little more serious.
Prepare Your Meals
Number two is to think about preparing your meals. We want to make you fall in love with your kitchen as simple as possible. My cookbooks have meals that range from things that are simple to prepare to things that are going to make you a real standout at your next family or social event. The thing that I noticed after being in many years in clinical practice is that individuals who can sustain or improve their health are individuals who have some aspect of control over preparing food that they put in their bodies.
I’ve been to many restaurants and country clubs. We’re not even talking about junky fast food places but in high-end restaurants. I went back into the kitchen and saw all the additives, preservatives, canola oil, red dye number 5, yellow dye number 50 million, tartrazine. The things that are being served, even in a meal that is steamed vegetables. Grab the cookbook. If you are not already a member of the support group, join me free for 30 days. Download the dips and dressings that make vegetables. If you’re not a super savvy vegetable person, it makes them taste incredible and delicious, which brings me to number three, consuming more vegetables.
Consume More Vegetables
If you think of vegetables as kindling for the metabolic fire, when we talked earlier about enzymes, they get the party started. They not only allow you to take macromolecules like protein and break them into micromolecules or nutrients like amino acids, but they also help activate all of your hormone receptor sites and all of your ability to break down fat. Not only are vegetables rich in fiber and folic acid, great for inflammation and antioxidants, but they can sustain a ton of phytoenzymes. Hide vegetables if you have to in a soup stock or chili stock. Play with things like jicama, celery, almond and butter, things that your body is going to be able to use again for that catalyst.
With kids, I always did the little bartering when they wanted something. I would say, “Eat 2 or 3 vegetables, and then you can have X, Y and Z.” You might even try that with the inner kid in you where if you’re craving something that maybe isn’t right for your metabolism, you tell yourself, “I’m going to have some bell peppers, carrots and cucumbers, then I’m going to partake without guilt in whatever it is that maybe is not ideal for my metabolism.” It’s like kindling for that fire so you can burn through it.
Avoid Caffeine
Number four, if your metabolism is stuck. We went through all the tips that let you know you maybe are having a slow metabolism, but also if you are manifesting any kind of chronic disease. We’re talking diabetes or hypertension. It may be autoimmune disorders like MS or antiplatelet antibodies. Caffeine is processed through a part of the liver that the body also has to moderate and mediate free radical damage within the cell and stress within the immune system.
We know this because when we’re looking at liver function tests, we use caffeine and caffeine clearance to see how stressed the liver is metabolically. We use caffeine in that test because it is a phytochemical that has such a profound effect on liver function. That’s why we select that as what we call a trigger nutrient to check that. Set it aside in a coffee form or soda form for sure. Agriculturally, coffee is one of our dirtiest products. Remember, fat-soluble toxins? We get fat storage, inflammation and chronic disease. The lists are long.
Avoid Stress
Number five, avoid stress when you can. All of us need to be aware of the fact that our environment out of our bodies affects the inside of our bodies tremendously. If you can do some journaling and identify things that create stress and avoid those things, that’s going to put you way ahead of the curve. Incorporating some stress-reduction techniques like tapping, meditation, deep breathing, dry skin brushing and hot baths.
Those are very important for stress reduction, but also to fill back up an empty cup to nurture a body that’s been stressed so that your adaptogenic hormones or the hormones that allow you to not go towards a disease with stress will activate. Those genetic propensities, stress hormones play a significant role in that. All of that will help fill up your cup so that you are a stronger warrior for things that you can’t avoid. Identify what you have, the power to change, and implement that power.
Drink Moderately
Let’s talk a little bit about liquor or alcohol and moderation here. Typically, when you’re on one of the food programs, whether you’re trying to support everybody in your physician team to get you off cholesterol medication, if your goal is to not have to take hypertension medication, you have developed a good food plan. You’ve picked one of my food plans. When you’re on that, we typically set alcohol on the shelf. When you do participate in alcohol, you want to buy organic sulfite-free. Go for the top-shelf liquors. There are a lot less additives and preservatives. Toxins that we can’t process, we get fat cell proliferation. We get inflammation, disease and disease processes in our body.
The other thing is if you do partake in some sulfite-free wine and some top-shelf liquor, don’t drink your alcohol alone. I don’t mean alone like in a closet, I mean alone like without having had any food. Heavy proteins and healthy fats, think avocados, almonds, maybe some shrimp, a hard-boiled egg. That’s a little trick that I take. I send it to a lot of my clients that are going to be consuming alcohol. It’s important because it helps slow the rate of the alcohol delivery. Those are great tips.
Drink A Lot
I’m staying hydrated. Half your body weight in ounces of water add spring water. Much of our tap water is now chlorinated. Much of our bottled water is tap water that’s had even more chlorine added to it. Much of our water that’s had minerals added to them are chlorinated minerals. Turn your bottle around, it’s shocking when you start to look at this. Pick a nice spring water, sip it throughout the day, half your body weight in ounces of water. I always say, “Dilution is the solution for pollution.” Fat-soluble toxins, we get fat proliferation, pro-inflammatory hormones and disease. Stay hydrated.

Be Happy
Number eight is a blast. Keep smiling, read comics, watch funny videos or watch Netflix comedies. There are many hormones that are secreted when you feel joy and excitement. Those hormones not only reduce inflammation but also help prevent free radical damage. They secrete these endorphins that speed up the rate of fat-soluble toxin excretion. It’s important that we have joy in our lives. For some of us, joy is found in the kitchen and cooking. For some of us, it’s out hiking. Empower yourself by identifying the things that make you happy and then employ that power to make those decisions.
Avoid Fakes
If it’s a fake, huge mistake. No matter what you eat, no matter what plan you prescribe to, no matter if you are a die-hard, fast metabolism diet person, a chocolatier or whatever it is, make sure that it is actual food. It should not be processed. It needs to be food the closer you can get to patting the farmer on the back who picked it or growing it yourself is important. It shouldn’t be called food, in my opinion, if it’s a fake, huge mistake. We’re here to be healthy, to reclaim our health, and regenerate our bodies from the structure to the secretion. If it’s a fake, huge mistake.
Stay Active
Staying active. Exercise can be a variety of different things. It can mean something different for everybody. Sometimes exercise can be a passive experience in the sense that maybe you need to have somebody doing physical therapy on your body or with your body. You need to have a massage. You need to have a passive stimulus through acupuncture. Maybe you’re able to jump rope or do a rebounder. Every single day, you want to employ things to help move the blood and the tissue. Hormones are moved around through the blood and the tissue. If you want feel-good hormones, metabolism-stimulating hormones, sex hormones or anti-inflammatory hormones, we have to facilitate moving the blood. We’ve got a lot of stuff on this. I want you to make this twenty-point checklist every single day. Some of these are going to be easy to do and some of these are going to take more effort. Every single day, I want you to focus on these top twenty.
Ditch Calorie Counting
Calorie counting is an easy one on your top twenty list. Write it down, put a big checkmark across it and don’t ever do it again. Calories are a lie. They are a very mono-focused chemical calculation of how much energy it takes to incinerate something. It takes nothing into consideration. We talked about enzyme secretion. There’s nothing in consideration about hormones, the functionality of any organs, systems or glands. It tells you nothing about your gene and gene expression. Let it go. Get rid of it. It was a terrible, abusive structure that was put into the diet industry that has no business in those of us who are lifelong learners and looking to stimulate our metabolism.
Eat Often
Number twelve, metabolism is nutrient-dependent. Those nutrients come from consuming food and releasing the nutrients from those food particles. One of the ways to entice, stimulate or excite those enzymes is to eat and snack often. I’m a big proponent for five times a day and for a variety in what you’re doing. You’ll notice that all of my food plans use strategic food to stimulate strategic enzymes, activate particular hormones, and nurture specific structures in the body, organs, glands, systems and functions, as well as to prevent gene activation of maybe some propensities that you have in your body. Fall in love with food, “Until death do us part.” It is the ultimate love affair.
Avoid Processed Foods
This is my grandma talking to you. I want to make sure you eat within 30 minutes of waking. We expect a lot of our bodies. If you can nurture and nourish it, it’s going to have a much better opportunity to heal the metabolism, support the metabolic pathways that have maybe become dysfunctional, and give the building blocks to regenerate healthy tissue. This might be a little bit redundant because I already talked about if it’s a fake, huge mistake, but processed foods, I wanted to give its own category. There are many things in the health food industry now that are processed.
When we saw a drastic change, I’ve been at this for a long time, in the gluten-free movement, I saw so much packaged food suddenly showed up in the “healthy section” of the stores that were not healthy. It should have very minimal ingredients. When you turn it around, you should be able to identify that ingredient. If it starts having a lot of additional additives, get rid of it. It’s not good for your metabolism. It can promote inflammation. Even though it’s gluten-free, if it’s free, don’t buy it.
Spice It Up
Let’s talk about number fifteen, spice it up. I have a lot of blog posts on herbs and spices. That goes back to two things. One, supporting enzymes, enzyme secretion and the enzymes’ capacity to bind. For example, if you’re going to take an herbal remedy called DIM, you want to have black pepper with it because it helps those receptor sites get excited about metabolizing negative estrogens. Spices are important. The other thing is a lot of the spices are very vasodilating. We talked about hormones carrying all the nutrients around and they have traveled through the blood system. When we’re looking to deliver those hormones through the blood and to the areas that need repair and support, that vasodilation is important. That’s why I talk a lot about infrared sauna, dry skin brushing, hot baths and spices. They are good for digestion.
Avoid Low-Fat
Avoid low-fat when possible. I always say, “If it says it’s free, don’t buy it.” If it’s fat-free, especially in the dairy world, fat-free milk and fat-free cheeses, there are a lot of chemicals, obesogens that have been added in order to give it that creamy texture. I have a Cheesemaking Guide on my website on how to make your very own homemade non-dairy cheeses. Go check that out. They are creamy. They have amazing consistency, but they do not have all of these horrid additives and preservatives. Watch for low-fat crackers. We want to know what they substituted in order to give it a creamy texture. Typically, those are very difficult for the body to digest. Metabolically, they slow the rate of burn, especially when they’re combined with a cow-based dairy. We want to watch that.
Consider Essential Oils
I wanted to bring a couple of natural therapies that maybe you guys have heard a lot about. Essential oils can be very good for supporting the metabolism and metabolic pathways. I’m always a little concerned when there are all kinds of crazy health claims about essential oils. I wish that didn’t happen because they’re profound enough in health improvement that these crazy claims seem to water down how beautiful they are. We have a lot of posts on this.
Consider essential oils, especially if you’re an individual who loves fragrances because I’m going to ask that we get rid of the Febreze, the air fresheners. All of those are obesogens. They’re known obesogens. Even in our coursework in public health, we know that they slow the rate of burn. They’re fat-soluble toxins that our bodies and environment can’t break down. When we can’t break something down, we have to alter ourselves to exist. In order to do that, we usually alter ourselves right into a disease state.
If you are someone who enjoys wearing perfumes or having their home fragrance, I want you to consider essential oils. I hate when I say, “Get rid of something,” and I don’t give you an alternative. That’s why with the dairy, I wanted to make a cheesemaking guide. I don’t know, I felt like, “I don’t want to tell people not to have creamy indulgence.” I told you to smile and have fun earlier. I’ve got to solve a problem. I feel like essential oils solve a lot of problems. We have at least five senses. There’s a lot of debate. Our sense of smell is important to our neurochemicals that occur in our brain. Things like pituitary regulation and thyroid regulation are all like the thermostat or the conductor of the orchestra, things that help create the right hormone secretion. Stimulating in a positive way our sense of smell with essential oils can be very important.
Go Organic
Go organic. It is worth the investment. I know it is expensive, but so is not to being well. I have a degree in Agriculture Soil Sciences. I know what production is like. I usually say, “The higher up the food chain, the more important it is.” Although anything that has chicken breasts or an area of the body that would have a fatty deposit is more important even than that. Chicken eggs, chicken breast, and a high marble cut of meat like a rib-eye are very important. Anything that grows in the soil is very important. Think sweet potatoes and root vegetables. I’ve got a great list of the Dirty Dozen, a lot of things that you can pull on the website. Check that out.
Take Supplements
Number nineteen, take supplements. I own a supplement company. I also am a die-hard supplement taker personally. That’s important to my health from a perspective of using vitamins and minerals for strategic support of my metabolic functions. I’ve talked a little bit about some tips on how to look for a multivitamin that’s effective for you. I believe that mine is the very best in the world, which is why I take it. I go to great lengths to get my methylated vitamins out of Milan, Italy and Spain. We turned away way more of our raw ingredients than we end up bottling and selling. It’s crazy to me how quick and easy it is to sell those raw ingredients to companies that don’t have criteria in place. They allow very dirty products out into the market.
I’ve used supplements all my life. Long before I manufactured, I formulated for many different companies out there. I grew up as a kid with systemic eczema and autoimmune disorder. I also don’t process folic acid. I have a gene expression where I can’t utilize folic acid without taking it in a methylated form. I was one of the first people who brought methylated folic acid from Merck Germany. We could always give you more information about it. I’m a huge supplement advocate. It’s got to be clean. You’ve got to look at your manufacturer. There are not phenomenal regulations. All of what we choose to do is not even mandate it, but it makes a huge difference in my health and metabolism.

Fall In Love With Food
Number twenty is as important or maybe even more important than number one is fall in love with food. Find what you like that promotes health. Double down on that, but also be open to having new experiences and exploration with food. If you don’t have good hormone secretion, if your enzyme secretion is not good or if you have found yourself in a disease state, healthy food might not taste good right away. You have to retrain the taste buds. You have to re-stimulate the digestive enzymes. You have to repattern the hormone dysfunction that is taking place in your body to one of health.
Funny but true, I had an individual who did not eat vegetables and could not stand the taste of our metabolism shake, which is everybody’s favorite. He found himself in my office in a significant health crisis. I looked him in the eye and said, “If you love your wife and kids, I need you to plug your nose, close your eyes and do what I tell you to do because your metabolism is out of balance that it doesn’t even know how to be in love with something that’s going to save your life.” The end of the story was that he now prepares amazing, incredible foods. He craves and desires those foods that have saved his life. Fall in love with food. Fall in love with the concept that it can heal your body and be open to experimenting and exploring with things that maybe you’ve never liked before. Thanks for going through these twenty tips. I’d love to see you make a list every day. These top twenty things will completely change your life.
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Metabolism affects every aspect of life and health and it is up to us to keep ours in the best shape. Unless you’ve run into this episode by complete accident, it would be safe to assume that you’re ready to take the next step to make a significant positive impact on your health. If you are, then you’re in the right place. Here is a list of 20 simple tips that you can start applying to your lifestyle so that you can achieve faster metabolism, weight loss, and overall better health. Haylie Pomroy gives us a quick summary of the contents of her guidebook, 20 Tips to a Fast Metabolism. For a more detailed discussion of each of this tips, make sure to download the guidebook for free!
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20 Tips To A Fast Metabolism
I want you to print out this 20 Tips To A Fast Metabolism. This is a guidebook that I use with my clients in person that I share with many people in our private community. It has the top twenty things that I feel will make a significant impact on your health. Remember that metabolism affects every aspect of your life and your health. Let’s go through these together.
Get Plenty Of Sleep
First and foremost, I would like to talk about getting plenty of sleep. I know this is almost cliché when we talk about health and when we think about weight loss. When you sleep is when you lose all of your weight. Try it sometimes. Weigh yourself in the morning and then weigh yourself at the end of the day. You will always or typically will weigh more than you do in the morning. Even if you’re in weight-loss mode, you’ll weigh a little bit more in the morning and then a little bit more before you go to bed. The next day when you wake up in the morning, you typically have burned your weight.
How does that happen when you sleep? When you are sleeping, your body is doing the majority of its building and repairing. In order to build and repair, you have to burn fuel, both from the food that you consumed and also the fuel that you’ve stored. Hopefully, we fed our bodies in a way that we consume fuel that comes from stored fat. Things to think of is to turn off all your technology. Get it out of your room. Try if you can to have your alarm clock as far away from you where it’s still going to be effective, but it’s not going to be a subtle stimulus to your body.
The other thing is anything hot or warm before bed. A little bit of a hot tea or a warm compress can help soothe the body. It increases vasodilation but helps soothe the body to secrete those stress-reducing hormones, those things that support sleep, rest and relaxation. Some people do well with meditation, music or white noise. I am someone that that is too much of a stimulus. It has to be dark and quiet for me. Assess what your perfect sleep environment is. Do your best to, one, award yourself with the time that’s appropriate to sleep. Give yourself enough time for sleep, and then recognize what the best sleep environment is. If you are not sleeping well, make sure that you are taking the Food Rx Quiz on the website. We want to make sure that there’s not something with hormones, stress-based or sex hormone-based. Make sure that there’s nothing from an autoimmune perspective. Once we cleaned up the environment, we will look for little subtle signs that we maybe need to go deeper into repairing something a little more serious.
Prepare Your Meals
Number two is to think about preparing your meals. We want to make you fall in love with your kitchen as simple as possible. My cookbooks have meals that range from things that are simple to prepare to things that are going to make you a real standout at your next family or social event. The thing that I noticed after being in many years in clinical practice is that individuals who can sustain or improve their health are individuals who have some aspect of control over preparing food that they put in their bodies.
I’ve been to many restaurants and country clubs. We’re not even talking about junky fast food places but in high-end restaurants. I went back into the kitchen and saw all the additives, preservatives, canola oil, red dye number 5, yellow dye number 50 million, tartrazine. The things that are being served, even in a meal that is steamed vegetables. Grab the cookbook. If you are not already a member of the support group, join me free for 30 days. Download the dips and dressings that make vegetables. If you’re not a super savvy vegetable person, it makes them taste incredible and delicious, which brings me to number three, consuming more vegetables.
Consume More Vegetables
If you think of vegetables as kindling for the metabolic fire, when we talked earlier about enzymes, they get the party started. They not only allow you to take macromolecules like protein and break them into micromolecules or nutrients like amino acids, but they also help activate all of your hormone receptor sites and all of your ability to break down fat. Not only are vegetables rich in fiber and folic acid, great for inflammation and antioxidants, but they can sustain a ton of phytoenzymes. Hide vegetables if you have to in a soup stock or chili stock. Play with things like jicama, celery, almond and butter, things that your body is going to be able to use again for that catalyst.
With kids, I always did the little bartering when they wanted something. I would say, “Eat 2 or 3 vegetables, and then you can have X, Y and Z.” You might even try that with the inner kid in you where if you’re craving something that maybe isn’t right for your metabolism, you tell yourself, “I’m going to have some bell peppers, carrots and cucumbers, then I’m going to partake without guilt in whatever it is that maybe is not ideal for my metabolism.” It’s like kindling for that fire so you can burn through it.
Avoid Caffeine
Number four, if your metabolism is stuck. We went through all the tips that let you know you maybe are having a slow metabolism, but also if you are manifesting any kind of chronic disease. We’re talking diabetes or hypertension. It may be autoimmune disorders like MS or antiplatelet antibodies. Caffeine is processed through a part of the liver that the body also has to moderate and mediate free radical damage within the cell and stress within the immune system.
We know this because when we’re looking at liver function tests, we use caffeine and caffeine clearance to see how stressed the liver is metabolically. We use caffeine in that test because it is a phytochemical that has such a profound effect on liver function. That’s why we select that as what we call a trigger nutrient to check that. Set it aside in a coffee form or soda form for sure. Agriculturally, coffee is one of our dirtiest products. Remember, fat-soluble toxins? We get fat storage, inflammation and chronic disease. The lists are long.
Avoid Stress
Number five, avoid stress when you can. All of us need to be aware of the fact that our environment out of our bodies affects the inside of our bodies tremendously. If you can do some journaling and identify things that create stress and avoid those things, that’s going to put you way ahead of the curve. Incorporating some stress-reduction techniques like tapping, meditation, deep breathing, dry skin brushing and hot baths.
Those are very important for stress reduction, but also to fill back up an empty cup to nurture a body that’s been stressed so that your adaptogenic hormones or the hormones that allow you to not go towards a disease with stress will activate. Those genetic propensities, stress hormones play a significant role in that. All of that will help fill up your cup so that you are a stronger warrior for things that you can’t avoid. Identify what you have, the power to change, and implement that power.
Drink Moderately
Let’s talk a little bit about liquor or alcohol and moderation here. Typically, when you’re on one of the food programs, whether you’re trying to support everybody in your physician team to get you off cholesterol medication, if your goal is to not have to take hypertension medication, you have developed a good food plan. You’ve picked one of my food plans. When you’re on that, we typically set alcohol on the shelf. When you do participate in alcohol, you want to buy organic sulfite-free. Go for the top-shelf liquors. There are a lot less additives and preservatives. Toxins that we can’t process, we get fat cell proliferation. We get inflammation, disease and disease processes in our body.
The other thing is if you do partake in some sulfite-free wine and some top-shelf liquor, don’t drink your alcohol alone. I don’t mean alone like in a closet, I mean alone like without having had any food. Heavy proteins and healthy fats, think avocados, almonds, maybe some shrimp, a hard-boiled egg. That’s a little trick that I take. I send it to a lot of my clients that are going to be consuming alcohol. It’s important because it helps slow the rate of the alcohol delivery. Those are great tips.
Drink A Lot
I’m staying hydrated. Half your body weight in ounces of water add spring water. Much of our tap water is now chlorinated. Much of our bottled water is tap water that’s had even more chlorine added to it. Much of our water that’s had minerals added to them are chlorinated minerals. Turn your bottle around, it’s shocking when you start to look at this. Pick a nice spring water, sip it throughout the day, half your body weight in ounces of water. I always say, “Dilution is the solution for pollution.” Fat-soluble toxins, we get fat proliferation, pro-inflammatory hormones and disease. Stay hydrated.
Be Happy
Number eight is a blast. Keep smiling, read comics, watch funny videos or watch Netflix comedies. There are many hormones that are secreted when you feel joy and excitement. Those hormones not only reduce inflammation but also help prevent free radical damage. They secrete these endorphins that speed up the rate of fat-soluble toxin excretion. It’s important that we have joy in our lives. For some of us, joy is found in the kitchen and cooking. For some of us, it’s out hiking. Empower yourself by identifying the things that make you happy and then employ that power to make those decisions.
Avoid Fakes
If it’s a fake, huge mistake. No matter what you eat, no matter what plan you prescribe to, no matter if you are a die-hard, fast metabolism diet person, a chocolatier or whatever it is, make sure that it is actual food. It should not be processed. It needs to be food the closer you can get to patting the farmer on the back who picked it or growing it yourself is important. It shouldn’t be called food, in my opinion, if it’s a fake, huge mistake. We’re here to be healthy, to reclaim our health, and regenerate our bodies from the structure to the secretion. If it’s a fake, huge mistake.
Stay Active
Staying active. Exercise can be a variety of different things. It can mean something different for everybody. Sometimes exercise can be a passive experience in the sense that maybe you need to have somebody doing physical therapy on your body or with your body. You need to have a massage. You need to have a passive stimulus through acupuncture. Maybe you’re able to jump rope or do a rebounder. Every single day, you want to employ things to help move the blood and the tissue. Hormones are moved around through the blood and the tissue. If you want feel-good hormones, metabolism-stimulating hormones, sex hormones or anti-inflammatory hormones, we have to facilitate moving the blood. We’ve got a lot of stuff on this. I want you to make this twenty-point checklist every single day. Some of these are going to be easy to do and some of these are going to take more effort. Every single day, I want you to focus on these top twenty.
Ditch Calorie Counting
Calorie counting is an easy one on your top twenty list. Write it down, put a big checkmark across it and don’t ever do it again. Calories are a lie. They are a very mono-focused chemical calculation of how much energy it takes to incinerate something. It takes nothing into consideration. We talked about enzyme secretion. There’s nothing in consideration about hormones, the functionality of any organs, systems or glands. It tells you nothing about your gene and gene expression. Let it go. Get rid of it. It was a terrible, abusive structure that was put into the diet industry that has no business in those of us who are lifelong learners and looking to stimulate our metabolism.
Eat Often
Number twelve, metabolism is nutrient-dependent. Those nutrients come from consuming food and releasing the nutrients from those food particles. One of the ways to entice, stimulate or excite those enzymes is to eat and snack often. I’m a big proponent for five times a day and for a variety in what you’re doing. You’ll notice that all of my food plans use strategic food to stimulate strategic enzymes, activate particular hormones, and nurture specific structures in the body, organs, glands, systems and functions, as well as to prevent gene activation of maybe some propensities that you have in your body. Fall in love with food, “Until death do us part.” It is the ultimate love affair.
Avoid Processed Foods
This is my grandma talking to you. I want to make sure you eat within 30 minutes of waking. We expect a lot of our bodies. If you can nurture and nourish it, it’s going to have a much better opportunity to heal the metabolism, support the metabolic pathways that have maybe become dysfunctional, and give the building blocks to regenerate healthy tissue. This might be a little bit redundant because I already talked about if it’s a fake, huge mistake, but processed foods, I wanted to give its own category. There are many things in the health food industry now that are processed.
When we saw a drastic change, I’ve been at this for a long time, in the gluten-free movement, I saw so much packaged food suddenly showed up in the “healthy section” of the stores that were not healthy. It should have very minimal ingredients. When you turn it around, you should be able to identify that ingredient. If it starts having a lot of additional additives, get rid of it. It’s not good for your metabolism. It can promote inflammation. Even though it’s gluten-free, if it’s free, don’t buy it.
Spice It Up
Let’s talk about number fifteen, spice it up. I have a lot of blog posts on herbs and spices. That goes back to two things. One, supporting enzymes, enzyme secretion and the enzymes’ capacity to bind. For example, if you’re going to take an herbal remedy called DIM, you want to have black pepper with it because it helps those receptor sites get excited about metabolizing negative estrogens. Spices are important. The other thing is a lot of the spices are very vasodilating. We talked about hormones carrying all the nutrients around and they have traveled through the blood system. When we’re looking to deliver those hormones through the blood and to the areas that need repair and support, that vasodilation is important. That’s why I talk a lot about infrared sauna, dry skin brushing, hot baths and spices. They are good for digestion.
Avoid Low-Fat
Avoid low-fat when possible. I always say, “If it says it’s free, don’t buy it.” If it’s fat-free, especially in the dairy world, fat-free milk and fat-free cheeses, there are a lot of chemicals, obesogens that have been added in order to give it that creamy texture. I have a Cheesemaking Guide on my website on how to make your very own homemade non-dairy cheeses. Go check that out. They are creamy. They have amazing consistency, but they do not have all of these horrid additives and preservatives. Watch for low-fat crackers. We want to know what they substituted in order to give it a creamy texture. Typically, those are very difficult for the body to digest. Metabolically, they slow the rate of burn, especially when they’re combined with a cow-based dairy. We want to watch that.
Consider Essential Oils
I wanted to bring a couple of natural therapies that maybe you guys have heard a lot about. Essential oils can be very good for supporting the metabolism and metabolic pathways. I’m always a little concerned when there are all kinds of crazy health claims about essential oils. I wish that didn’t happen because they’re profound enough in health improvement that these crazy claims seem to water down how beautiful they are. We have a lot of posts on this.
Consider essential oils, especially if you’re an individual who loves fragrances because I’m going to ask that we get rid of the Febreze, the air fresheners. All of those are obesogens. They’re known obesogens. Even in our coursework in public health, we know that they slow the rate of burn. They’re fat-soluble toxins that our bodies and environment can’t break down. When we can’t break something down, we have to alter ourselves to exist. In order to do that, we usually alter ourselves right into a disease state.
If you are someone who enjoys wearing perfumes or having their home fragrance, I want you to consider essential oils. I hate when I say, “Get rid of something,” and I don’t give you an alternative. That’s why with the dairy, I wanted to make a cheesemaking guide. I don’t know, I felt like, “I don’t want to tell people not to have creamy indulgence.” I told you to smile and have fun earlier. I’ve got to solve a problem. I feel like essential oils solve a lot of problems. We have at least five senses. There’s a lot of debate. Our sense of smell is important to our neurochemicals that occur in our brain. Things like pituitary regulation and thyroid regulation are all like the thermostat or the conductor of the orchestra, things that help create the right hormone secretion. Stimulating in a positive way our sense of smell with essential oils can be very important.
Go Organic
Go organic. It is worth the investment. I know it is expensive, but so is not to being well. I have a degree in Agriculture Soil Sciences. I know what production is like. I usually say, “The higher up the food chain, the more important it is.” Although anything that has chicken breasts or an area of the body that would have a fatty deposit is more important even than that. Chicken eggs, chicken breast, and a high marble cut of meat like a rib-eye are very important. Anything that grows in the soil is very important. Think sweet potatoes and root vegetables. I’ve got a great list of the Dirty Dozen, a lot of things that you can pull on the website. Check that out.
Take Supplements
Number nineteen, take supplements. I own a supplement company. I also am a die-hard supplement taker personally. That’s important to my health from a perspective of using vitamins and minerals for strategic support of my metabolic functions. I’ve talked a little bit about some tips on how to look for a multivitamin that’s effective for you. I believe that mine is the very best in the world, which is why I take it. I go to great lengths to get my methylated vitamins out of Milan, Italy and Spain. We turned away way more of our raw ingredients than we end up bottling and selling. It’s crazy to me how quick and easy it is to sell those raw ingredients to companies that don’t have criteria in place. They allow very dirty products out into the market.
I’ve used supplements all my life. Long before I manufactured, I formulated for many different companies out there. I grew up as a kid with systemic eczema and autoimmune disorder. I also don’t process folic acid. I have a gene expression where I can’t utilize folic acid without taking it in a methylated form. I was one of the first people who brought methylated folic acid from Merck Germany. We could always give you more information about it. I’m a huge supplement advocate. It’s got to be clean. You’ve got to look at your manufacturer. There are not phenomenal regulations. All of what we choose to do is not even mandate it, but it makes a huge difference in my health and metabolism.
Fall In Love With Food
Number twenty is as important or maybe even more important than number one is fall in love with food. Find what you like that promotes health. Double down on that, but also be open to having new experiences and exploration with food. If you don’t have good hormone secretion, if your enzyme secretion is not good or if you have found yourself in a disease state, healthy food might not taste good right away. You have to retrain the taste buds. You have to re-stimulate the digestive enzymes. You have to repattern the hormone dysfunction that is taking place in your body to one of health.
Funny but true, I had an individual who did not eat vegetables and could not stand the taste of our metabolism shake, which is everybody’s favorite. He found himself in my office in a significant health crisis. I looked him in the eye and said, “If you love your wife and kids, I need you to plug your nose, close your eyes and do what I tell you to do because your metabolism is out of balance that it doesn’t even know how to be in love with something that’s going to save your life.” The end of the story was that he now prepares amazing, incredible foods. He craves and desires those foods that have saved his life. Fall in love with food. Fall in love with the concept that it can heal your body and be open to experimenting and exploring with things that maybe you’ve never liked before. Thanks for going through these twenty tips. I’d love to see you make a list every day. These top twenty things will completely change your life.
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