Episode 39: Can You Really Speed Up Your Metabolism? With John Rush of Rush To Reason
With all the different dietary methods, we tend to gravitate toward what close friends, relatives, or people recommend. But just because it worked for them does not mean it will work for you. Haylie Pomroy joins John Rush to discuss how metabolism works and its role in how our body processes the food we eat. She also talks about the importance of self-assessment to ensure that you go into the right diet plan for your health. She shares insights into the adverse effects of dieting for the wrong reasons, which cause us to lean towards the eating disorder culture. So listen in and be guided on how you can put power on your plate and be on your way to a healthier and better self!
Watch the episode here
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Can You Really Speed Up Your Metabolism? With John Rush of Rush To Reason
This is our health and wellness edition we do every Wednesday for the first hour. Dr. Haylie Pomroy is joining us. She is a celebrity nutritionist and New York Times bestselling author of The Fast Metabolism Diet. Dr. Haylie, welcome. How are you?
I’m great. Thanks for having me.
Thanks for joining us. We appreciate it. We are a society, as Americans and myself included, tend to have a love affair with food and probably eat more of things that we shouldn't and not enough of the things that we should. I was curious to talk to you, especially when you've got the title of a book called The Fast Metabolism Diet. It seems like as we get older, that thing slows down. How do we speed it up?
One of the most important things for people to understand is that metabolism is nutrient-dependent. These crazy diets that people are participating in are fast hand or putting yourself into what we call an alternative metabolic state of ketosis. That will not be the rate of burn in the long. Remember, nutrients need nutrients. You've got to put food on your plate and power on your plate if you want to heal your body.
What you're telling me is, in some cases, those may have long-term ill effects if you stay on that. I've known some folks where the keto thing is their way of life. They have probably been on keto for several years. What you're telling me is that's not the way to do it.
Diet should be about how we can nurture you to get you to where you want to go.
A lot of people say, “They're on a keto diet.” They are individuals who can sustain something like that for a long period. We are nutrient-dependent, whether we grow hair, skin or bones. When we put ourselves truly in a metabolic alternate state like that, it is designed for short-term crisis intervention. Our hormones reregulate when we put that stress on our bodies for a long period.
I learn something new from this program. All of that makes sense. Give our audience some tips if they're looking to shed a few pounds or eat a little more healthily. Is it pretty straightforward that most foods for most people will do the same things or is each person differs when it comes to what foods they should eat to speed up and/or help their metabolism?
I've been in clinical practice for many years and I believe that everybody is different. We incorporate food very strategically. We use food clinically to evoke a change. When an individual is looking to change something about their body, whether that's the scale, blood pressure, lipid levels like cholesterol or their mood, energy, libido or anxiety, all of those things, the term metabolism means to change. We use food prescriptively and therapeutically to evoke a clinal change.
Food is medicine. It's not like medicine. Food is a form of medicine that can change chemistry, the body structure, the hormones that are secreted, our vitality and our aging process. We have quizzes and all sorts of self-assessments so that you can use food prescriptively to heal the body once and for all. There is not a one size fits all diet because we are not having a one size fits all experience, genetic predispositions and/or environmental influences.

The things that we can use the same chemistry to affect everybody puts a lot of disappointment in all of our bodies. I believe the word DIET means Did I Eat Today? I have world-class athletes, Olympic athletes and individuals that have lost 157 pounds. We were talking to one of our community members. You have to treat the body with the appropriate food and heal the pathways. That's what the metabolism is, the metabolic pathways that make the body function either in a healthy way or in an unhealthy way.
I interview a lot of different people regularly. Dr. Haylie, there are a majority of people that I vet on the front side and get to understand because I don't want anybody with this crazy weird diet. Believe me, I get so many requests. I’m like, “I got to look at this.” I am somebody that, back in 2010, lost over 100 pounds. I know a little bit about some of what you're talking about and some of these different things when it comes to diet and so on. There are a lot of crazy fad diets that typically aren't what people need in the end.
I get all that and understand that. On the same token, it's hard for a lot of folks to understand. I like your approach because what you're saying is everybody is a little bit different. There isn't one size fits all but at the end of the day, it still does come back down to food, nutrition and the things that you're putting into your body and mouth because that's how we take it. All of that works in combination to be healthy at the end of the day.
It does. However, when your body is in metabolic imbalance, especially the extreme cases like when you have polycystic ovarian syndrome, hormone-based weight gain or diabetes, even if you're an individual that has adrenal fatigue, your body is not working the way that maybe your friend can have a burger. There's metabolic dysfunction that happens.
The body in need is not a body that needs to be pushed. It's a body that needs to be fed.
Many times, we put the blame, the guilt and the shame on people as if they're abusing food but we don't take them off and look at what is metabolically going on. What is going on in the biochemistry of that body? Why is this scale second but to eat about it? We cannot please everybody into this box that says, “Your doing it wrong.” Maybe we don't have the right prescription to heal what is wrong in the body.
We've been doing health and wellness on Wednesdays for several years. It's near and dear to me. I feel like a lot of people don't live a very healthy lifestyle. I also know that when you don't feel good, nobody around you feels good because you're typically a bear and not fun to live around. When you don't feel good, everybody around you knows it. All these different things which I know food feeds into do feed into all those things that I'm talking about. The better we feel, the better we live life and the more fun we are to be around.
We call those non-scale victories. When someone says, “I was able to pick up my grandkids. I feel more alert, my memory cognition. I look at this morning with hope and inspiration. I have the libido to swing from the chandelier.” That means that body is being nourished. The body is metabolically sound to the point where it can use the nourishment that is there.
We also need to take into consideration that our food in the American diet is laden with obesogens, things that are known to stimulate a hormone imbalance to liberate obesity. It is also laden with addictive substances, as well as what we call anti-foods. There are added to the food that voids the nutrients in the gut from what you're consuming.

In my opinion, it shouldn't be allowed to be called food. It should be added preservatives and coloring dyes. Some people choose to be in. We've got to think about the fact that if we look at iron alone. The spinach that our grandmother ate versus the spinach that we eat is 24 times more nutrient dense than my grandma's spinach than what I can eat.
Also, fast food burgers. When I was a kid, the fast food burgers that are out there were a larger percentage of actual food than they are now. There are a lot of things in our way that is also metabolic disruptors that affect the immune system and bone density and promote cancer. We know this and they're still allowed in the food.
All of my programs are extremely prescriptive, putting you in the plan first and foremost. I'm in clinical practice. There’s not some theory that it's good to eat good food. It’s great. Move on. What are you going to do about my health? I didn't get into this industry because I thought the food was cool. I got into it because of my autoimmune disorder. I was on 80 milligrams of prednisone. I was hospitalized with a potential partial failure in my right kidney. I had a strep infection in the kidney.
I had to learn how to biohack my biochemistry and get myself back to health. It was the combination of putting power on the plate and finding the right supplementation to heal the metabolic pathways that had gone awry in my body. For many years, I've been out there beating the doors down and saying, “Don't turn on yourself. If you're having a hard time losing weight and not feeling good, be kind, gentle and curious as to what your body is trying to tell you.”
Diet is “Did I Eat Today” to achieve whatever it is that you desire and turn that towards nutrition and use prescriptive plans.
If the scale doesn't move, find out why. Nine times out of 10, it's not what you are putting in or not putting in your body. It's, are you eating to heal the why the scale stack? You got to heal the why. Otherwise, you are dieting for the rest of your life. We are the only species. When you put together a nutrition program, even for your dog, a racehorse or an exotic animal like a black rhino or something, we talk about putting together a nutrition plan and a diet being something that enhances performance.
In the human population, a diet is all about taking away, reframing, guilt and shame. A diet should be, how do we nurture you to get you to where you want to go? We always start with self-assessment and a health wishlist. We use foods prescriptively. I've got a great app. It's free. It's Fast Metabolism Diet App. You can log your food and water but it helps with the grocery list. The first two days a week, we focus on the adrenals. We focus on the liver and alkalinizing the body. We focus on the hormones. We rotate that because the body in need is not a body that needs to be pushed. It's a body that needs to be fed.
How do folks find you and get more information on everything you talked about?
We have an incredible medical donor. She's at a major hospital university that donated tons of the hardcover copy books. You can get a free book if you go to HayliePomroy.com. You pay the shipping fee. While those last, I'll throw that out there. The other thing is we have a membership. We have a robust community. We run challenges, answer questions and help you get prepared for your doctor's visit.
We're running a free fifteen-day trial. We have the highest retention rate because we offer a lot of value but you can go on there and check it out. It’s free. That's also on HayliePomroy.com. If you think about it, our books have been translated into 40 different languages. We've sold millions of copies and won all kinds of awards on Apple for our app. You can get a free book. Grab it. These books have been given out by doctors from UCLA, Brigham and Women's Hospital, your friends and your family. People get them in the library. The bottom line is I want you to have the tools and resources to achieve what you want in your health.
Always remember, DIET is Did I Eat Today, to achieve whatever it is. Maybe you go off on anti-rejection drugs, swim the English channel or whatever it is that you desire, turn towards nutrition and use prescriptive plans. This is going to be my litmus test. Stop this fasting and keto step. I'm sorry but I'm frustrated about it. If you wouldn't send your kindergarten or your grandchild out the door with the food that you're doing for a diet, it's not truly a diet. It's a diet as far as efficiency. We are leaning on an eating disorder culture to make people feel guilty for not being able to lose weight. It's heartbreaking.
The door is open, Dr. Haylie, for you to come back anytime, you would like. If you would join us on a routine basis, I would love it. Our readers would as well. You are speaking the language that I fully understand and embrace. I understand it myself. I've done it, not with your program but something similar. We could talk even off air about some of that but I understand fully what you're talking about. You've been a great find. It took a little bit for us to get everything put together for you to join us. You're welcome anytime. This is fabulous. I appreciate it.
I appreciate it. Put power on your plate and have a beautiful day.
Dr. Haylie, we’ll be in touch. You're welcome back anytime. Thank you again for your time.
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About John Rush
John Rush has been hosting live radio since 1998. He is the host of Rush To Reason, Drive-Radio, Fix-It Radio, and Ready-Radio. All of which are on KLZ560 in Denver. John is your ordinary, average American guy with a microphone! With guests, such as congressmen, senators, state representatives, pastors, authors, economists, attorneys, and even fitness experts, John and his call-in audience engage in lively discussions that ultimately put reason back into the issues of today. Over the last 40 years, John has been a business owner and is a successful business coach. During 2020, when many businesses were struggling, all of John’s coaching clients watched their businesses grow. Find John at rushtoreason.com.

With all the different dietary methods, we tend to gravitate toward what close friends, relatives, or people recommend. But just because it worked for them does not mean it will work for you. Haylie Pomroy joins John Rush to discuss how metabolism works and its role in how our body processes the food we eat. She also talks about the importance of self-assessment to ensure that you go into the right diet plan for your health. She shares insights into the adverse effects of dieting for the wrong reasons, which cause us to lean towards the eating disorder culture. So listen in and be guided on how you can put power on your plate and be on your way to a healthier and better self!
Watch the episode here
Listen to the podcast here
Can You Really Speed Up Your Metabolism? With John Rush of Rush To Reason
This is our health and wellness edition we do every Wednesday for the first hour. Dr. Haylie Pomroy is joining us. She is a celebrity nutritionist and New York Times bestselling author of The Fast Metabolism Diet. Dr. Haylie, welcome. How are you?
I’m great. Thanks for having me.
Thanks for joining us. We appreciate it. We are a society, as Americans and myself included, tend to have a love affair with food and probably eat more of things that we shouldn't and not enough of the things that we should. I was curious to talk to you, especially when you've got the title of a book called The Fast Metabolism Diet. It seems like as we get older, that thing slows down. How do we speed it up?
One of the most important things for people to understand is that metabolism is nutrient-dependent. These crazy diets that people are participating in are fast hand or putting yourself into what we call an alternative metabolic state of ketosis. That will not be the rate of burn in the long. Remember, nutrients need nutrients. You've got to put food on your plate and power on your plate if you want to heal your body.
What you're telling me is, in some cases, those may have long-term ill effects if you stay on that. I've known some folks where the keto thing is their way of life. They have probably been on keto for several years. What you're telling me is that's not the way to do it.
Diet should be about how we can nurture you to get you to where you want to go.
A lot of people say, “They're on a keto diet.” They are individuals who can sustain something like that for a long period. We are nutrient-dependent, whether we grow hair, skin or bones. When we put ourselves truly in a metabolic alternate state like that, it is designed for short-term crisis intervention. Our hormones reregulate when we put that stress on our bodies for a long period.
I learn something new from this program. All of that makes sense. Give our audience some tips if they're looking to shed a few pounds or eat a little more healthily. Is it pretty straightforward that most foods for most people will do the same things or is each person differs when it comes to what foods they should eat to speed up and/or help their metabolism?
I've been in clinical practice for many years and I believe that everybody is different. We incorporate food very strategically. We use food clinically to evoke a change. When an individual is looking to change something about their body, whether that's the scale, blood pressure, lipid levels like cholesterol or their mood, energy, libido or anxiety, all of those things, the term metabolism means to change. We use food prescriptively and therapeutically to evoke a clinal change.
Food is medicine. It's not like medicine. Food is a form of medicine that can change chemistry, the body structure, the hormones that are secreted, our vitality and our aging process. We have quizzes and all sorts of self-assessments so that you can use food prescriptively to heal the body once and for all. There is not a one size fits all diet because we are not having a one size fits all experience, genetic predispositions and/or environmental influences.
The things that we can use the same chemistry to affect everybody puts a lot of disappointment in all of our bodies. I believe the word DIET means Did I Eat Today? I have world-class athletes, Olympic athletes and individuals that have lost 157 pounds. We were talking to one of our community members. You have to treat the body with the appropriate food and heal the pathways. That's what the metabolism is, the metabolic pathways that make the body function either in a healthy way or in an unhealthy way.
I interview a lot of different people regularly. Dr. Haylie, there are a majority of people that I vet on the front side and get to understand because I don't want anybody with this crazy weird diet. Believe me, I get so many requests. I’m like, “I got to look at this.” I am somebody that, back in 2010, lost over 100 pounds. I know a little bit about some of what you're talking about and some of these different things when it comes to diet and so on. There are a lot of crazy fad diets that typically aren't what people need in the end.
I get all that and understand that. On the same token, it's hard for a lot of folks to understand. I like your approach because what you're saying is everybody is a little bit different. There isn't one size fits all but at the end of the day, it still does come back down to food, nutrition and the things that you're putting into your body and mouth because that's how we take it. All of that works in combination to be healthy at the end of the day.
It does. However, when your body is in metabolic imbalance, especially the extreme cases like when you have polycystic ovarian syndrome, hormone-based weight gain or diabetes, even if you're an individual that has adrenal fatigue, your body is not working the way that maybe your friend can have a burger. There's metabolic dysfunction that happens.
The body in need is not a body that needs to be pushed. It's a body that needs to be fed.
Many times, we put the blame, the guilt and the shame on people as if they're abusing food but we don't take them off and look at what is metabolically going on. What is going on in the biochemistry of that body? Why is this scale second but to eat about it? We cannot please everybody into this box that says, “Your doing it wrong.” Maybe we don't have the right prescription to heal what is wrong in the body.
We've been doing health and wellness on Wednesdays for several years. It's near and dear to me. I feel like a lot of people don't live a very healthy lifestyle. I also know that when you don't feel good, nobody around you feels good because you're typically a bear and not fun to live around. When you don't feel good, everybody around you knows it. All these different things which I know food feeds into do feed into all those things that I'm talking about. The better we feel, the better we live life and the more fun we are to be around.
We call those non-scale victories. When someone says, “I was able to pick up my grandkids. I feel more alert, my memory cognition. I look at this morning with hope and inspiration. I have the libido to swing from the chandelier.” That means that body is being nourished. The body is metabolically sound to the point where it can use the nourishment that is there.
We also need to take into consideration that our food in the American diet is laden with obesogens, things that are known to stimulate a hormone imbalance to liberate obesity. It is also laden with addictive substances, as well as what we call anti-foods. There are added to the food that voids the nutrients in the gut from what you're consuming.
In my opinion, it shouldn't be allowed to be called food. It should be added preservatives and coloring dyes. Some people choose to be in. We've got to think about the fact that if we look at iron alone. The spinach that our grandmother ate versus the spinach that we eat is 24 times more nutrient dense than my grandma's spinach than what I can eat.
Also, fast food burgers. When I was a kid, the fast food burgers that are out there were a larger percentage of actual food than they are now. There are a lot of things in our way that is also metabolic disruptors that affect the immune system and bone density and promote cancer. We know this and they're still allowed in the food.
All of my programs are extremely prescriptive, putting you in the plan first and foremost. I'm in clinical practice. There’s not some theory that it's good to eat good food. It’s great. Move on. What are you going to do about my health? I didn't get into this industry because I thought the food was cool. I got into it because of my autoimmune disorder. I was on 80 milligrams of prednisone. I was hospitalized with a potential partial failure in my right kidney. I had a strep infection in the kidney.
I had to learn how to biohack my biochemistry and get myself back to health. It was the combination of putting power on the plate and finding the right supplementation to heal the metabolic pathways that had gone awry in my body. For many years, I've been out there beating the doors down and saying, “Don't turn on yourself. If you're having a hard time losing weight and not feeling good, be kind, gentle and curious as to what your body is trying to tell you.”
Diet is “Did I Eat Today” to achieve whatever it is that you desire and turn that towards nutrition and use prescriptive plans.
If the scale doesn't move, find out why. Nine times out of 10, it's not what you are putting in or not putting in your body. It's, are you eating to heal the why the scale stack? You got to heal the why. Otherwise, you are dieting for the rest of your life. We are the only species. When you put together a nutrition program, even for your dog, a racehorse or an exotic animal like a black rhino or something, we talk about putting together a nutrition plan and a diet being something that enhances performance.
In the human population, a diet is all about taking away, reframing, guilt and shame. A diet should be, how do we nurture you to get you to where you want to go? We always start with self-assessment and a health wishlist. We use foods prescriptively. I've got a great app. It's free. It's Fast Metabolism Diet App. You can log your food and water but it helps with the grocery list. The first two days a week, we focus on the adrenals. We focus on the liver and alkalinizing the body. We focus on the hormones. We rotate that because the body in need is not a body that needs to be pushed. It's a body that needs to be fed.
How do folks find you and get more information on everything you talked about?
We have an incredible medical donor. She's at a major hospital university that donated tons of the hardcover copy books. You can get a free book if you go to HayliePomroy.com. You pay the shipping fee. While those last, I'll throw that out there. The other thing is we have a membership. We have a robust community. We run challenges, answer questions and help you get prepared for your doctor's visit.
We're running a free fifteen-day trial. We have the highest retention rate because we offer a lot of value but you can go on there and check it out. It’s free. That's also on HayliePomroy.com. If you think about it, our books have been translated into 40 different languages. We've sold millions of copies and won all kinds of awards on Apple for our app. You can get a free book. Grab it. These books have been given out by doctors from UCLA, Brigham and Women's Hospital, your friends and your family. People get them in the library. The bottom line is I want you to have the tools and resources to achieve what you want in your health.
Always remember, DIET is Did I Eat Today, to achieve whatever it is. Maybe you go off on anti-rejection drugs, swim the English channel or whatever it is that you desire, turn towards nutrition and use prescriptive plans. This is going to be my litmus test. Stop this fasting and keto step. I'm sorry but I'm frustrated about it. If you wouldn't send your kindergarten or your grandchild out the door with the food that you're doing for a diet, it's not truly a diet. It's a diet as far as efficiency. We are leaning on an eating disorder culture to make people feel guilty for not being able to lose weight. It's heartbreaking.
The door is open, Dr. Haylie, for you to come back anytime, you would like. If you would join us on a routine basis, I would love it. Our readers would as well. You are speaking the language that I fully understand and embrace. I understand it myself. I've done it, not with your program but something similar. We could talk even off air about some of that but I understand fully what you're talking about. You've been a great find. It took a little bit for us to get everything put together for you to join us. You're welcome anytime. This is fabulous. I appreciate it.
I appreciate it. Put power on your plate and have a beautiful day.
Dr. Haylie, we’ll be in touch. You're welcome back anytime. Thank you again for your time.
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About John Rush
John Rush has been hosting live radio since 1998. He is the host of Rush To Reason, Drive-Radio, Fix-It Radio, and Ready-Radio. All of which are on KLZ560 in Denver. John is your ordinary, average American guy with a microphone! With guests, such as congressmen, senators, state representatives, pastors, authors, economists, attorneys, and even fitness experts, John and his call-in audience engage in lively discussions that ultimately put reason back into the issues of today. Over the last 40 years, John has been a business owner and is a successful business coach. During 2020, when many businesses were struggling, all of John’s coaching clients watched their businesses grow. Find John at rushtoreason.com.