Before Laura and her family did The Fast Metabolism Diet, they were dealing with weight and cholesterol issues, just like lots of families. Now, Laura and her family are on the right track choosing real food for real results.
I was the heaviest I'd ever been, even counting when I was pregnant. I needed to do something. My cholesterol was 311 and I was at the beginning stages of hypothyroidism. A fellow colleague told me about The Fast Metabolism Diet. At the time my son, 21, also weighed over 370 lbs and I thought we could both benefit from the plan.
On February 8th, we started the FMD - the whole house. We gave everything non-FMD to the food bank and set on the path.
5 months later, my family is completely changed! My cholesterol is down to 188, and my thyroid is NORMAL! My son has lost a total of 91 lbs (and still going), and I have lost 53 lbs as of today. My daughter is also down 36 lbs total.
We are FMD for life!
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