
Around the world of emotional eating
This is a fantastic story all the way from Italy! Martina was in her 40s, and her health wasn’t where she wanted it to be. She was also going through menopause, and she wasn’t sure there was a solution. With the help of a friend and the amazing support of the Italian FMD support group on Facebook, 48-year old Martina began her Fast Metabolism Diet journey.
Well, my weight loss process is still ongoing, but so far I have lost more than 30kg (60 lbs) following the original FMD program. Here’s my story:
I was born and raised in Germany, and although I’d been more on the chubby side as a child, throughout high school and university I was quite slim. That changed after graduation when I moved to Ireland and discovered fried breakfasts, burgers and chips, and most of all – Indian takeout. Within about two years my weight had ballooned to over 90 kg (180 lbs) and on my 1.55m (5 foot) frame every pound was visible. Rather than being curvy I was square! Needless to say, I hated it. I tried losing weight, but to no avail. I was a grazer and an emotional eater, and the self-esteem issues that came with my weight gain made me eat even more.
After six years in Ireland, I returned to Germany and through a self-made diet regime of starving myself and binging (basically I ate only once a day and not after 3 pm), I managed to slim down to 75 kg. Obviously, that too didn’t last, and when I moved to Italy in 2007, I was back to 90 kg and during the next eight years – in spite of the Mediterranean diet – my weight stayed on.
“Lose weight or else”
Things finally changed last year when I developed serious knee problems, and my physiotherapist told me in no uncertain terms that either I lose weight or…else. I had just turned 48 and was heading straight into menopause, so I knew that if I wanted to change things it was now or never. I also knew that rather than starting on another yo-yo diet, I needed to change my habits if I wanted to lose weight for good. So I started to look around for a long-term weight loss program. At that time a friend of mine, together with her whole family, had just started The Fast Metabolism Diet and in a matter of weeks showed excellent results. I was intrigued. I read the book, joined an English and Italian-speaking support group on Facebook, and embarked on my journey in mid-May of 2015.
Cutting out wheat, milk, cheese and sweetcorn was difficult at first as they had been an integral part of my daily diet, but already after a few days, I noticed that the heartburn and occasional palpitations I often got after my meals had stopped. At that point, I knew there was something I was doing right. Moreover, the three phases, three meals, and two snacks helped to keep me from grazing and overeating. After a month I had already shed 8 kg (16 lbs), and I haven’t looked back since.
Dropped 5 clothing sizes (and a shoe size!)
In the last year and a half, I have dropped 5 clothing sizes and one shoe size. I have experienced the joy of watching the set of clothes that I kept for the odd chance that I did ever lose weight, go from less tight, to fitting, to loose, and finally too big. Recently I’m just starting to fit into the skirt I wore at my high-school graduation in ’89, and I’m loving it! The best of it is, I’m losing all of this weight during menopause and people are baffled. I would like my story to be an encouragement to all women who feel condemned to not being able to lose or even gain weight just because they entered menopause. It isn’t true, and it can be done. I’m the living proof and like me, there are lots of menopausal women who are doing this diet with excellent results. The ‘before’ photo shows me in 2013 at my heaviest of over 90kg (198 lbs), the ‘after’ (or ‘In between’) photo was done recently, at 49 years and 59kg (130 lbs) – only 9kg (20 lbs) from my target weight. Next April I will turn 50, and I will celebrate that day how it should be celebrated – with lot’s of joy and looking great in a fit and healthy body.
Kind regards and a great thank you to Haylie,
For Haylie Pomroy’s Fast Metabolism Diet Books and more, CLICK HERE
Click HERE to submit your success story!
Around the world of emotional eating
This is a fantastic story all the way from Italy! Martina was in her 40s, and her health wasn’t where she wanted it to be. She was also going through menopause, and she wasn’t sure there was a solution. With the help of a friend and the amazing support of the Italian FMD support group on Facebook, 48-year old Martina began her Fast Metabolism Diet journey.
Well, my weight loss process is still ongoing, but so far I have lost more than 30kg (60 lbs) following the original FMD program. Here’s my story:
I was born and raised in Germany, and although I’d been more on the chubby side as a child, throughout high school and university I was quite slim. That changed after graduation when I moved to Ireland and discovered fried breakfasts, burgers and chips, and most of all – Indian takeout. Within about two years my weight had ballooned to over 90 kg (180 lbs) and on my 1.55m (5 foot) frame every pound was visible. Rather than being curvy I was square! Needless to say, I hated it. I tried losing weight, but to no avail. I was a grazer and an emotional eater, and the self-esteem issues that came with my weight gain made me eat even more.
After six years in Ireland, I returned to Germany and through a self-made diet regime of starving myself and binging (basically I ate only once a day and not after 3 pm), I managed to slim down to 75 kg. Obviously, that too didn’t last, and when I moved to Italy in 2007, I was back to 90 kg and during the next eight years – in spite of the Mediterranean diet – my weight stayed on.
“Lose weight or else”
Things finally changed last year when I developed serious knee problems, and my physiotherapist told me in no uncertain terms that either I lose weight or…else. I had just turned 48 and was heading straight into menopause, so I knew that if I wanted to change things it was now or never. I also knew that rather than starting on another yo-yo diet, I needed to change my habits if I wanted to lose weight for good. So I started to look around for a long-term weight loss program. At that time a friend of mine, together with her whole family, had just started The Fast Metabolism Diet and in a matter of weeks showed excellent results. I was intrigued. I read the book, joined an English and Italian-speaking support group on Facebook, and embarked on my journey in mid-May of 2015.
Cutting out wheat, milk, cheese and sweetcorn was difficult at first as they had been an integral part of my daily diet, but already after a few days, I noticed that the heartburn and occasional palpitations I often got after my meals had stopped. At that point, I knew there was something I was doing right. Moreover, the three phases, three meals, and two snacks helped to keep me from grazing and overeating. After a month I had already shed 8 kg (16 lbs), and I haven’t looked back since.
Dropped 5 clothing sizes (and a shoe size!)
In the last year and a half, I have dropped 5 clothing sizes and one shoe size. I have experienced the joy of watching the set of clothes that I kept for the odd chance that I did ever lose weight, go from less tight, to fitting, to loose, and finally too big. Recently I’m just starting to fit into the skirt I wore at my high-school graduation in ’89, and I’m loving it! The best of it is, I’m losing all of this weight during menopause and people are baffled. I would like my story to be an encouragement to all women who feel condemned to not being able to lose or even gain weight just because they entered menopause. It isn’t true, and it can be done. I’m the living proof and like me, there are lots of menopausal women who are doing this diet with excellent results. The ‘before’ photo shows me in 2013 at my heaviest of over 90kg (198 lbs), the ‘after’ (or ‘In between’) photo was done recently, at 49 years and 59kg (130 lbs) – only 9kg (20 lbs) from my target weight. Next April I will turn 50, and I will celebrate that day how it should be celebrated – with lot’s of joy and looking great in a fit and healthy body.
Kind regards and a great thank you to Haylie,
For Haylie Pomroy’s Fast Metabolism Diet Books and more, CLICK HERE
Click HERE to submit your success story!