Michelle R.

Weight loss so far in lbs:
Tell us your story:
Well to begin with I no longer have swelling in the lower legs or frequent migraines. It has been a complete life changer. Before I was always so warm/hot and the swelling made it so miserable in the hot summer. The swelling and migraines were affecting my ability to visit family and friends. My starting weight was 386 and I'm now 246. I've completed an entire year of FMD, June 17, 2013 to June 17, 2014. 49 weeks of the plan and 3 weeks of phase 4. I closely follow the plan and do not eat anything not on the food list. My phase 1 exercise is walk/swim in a river at the wellness center for an hour and the second day I recumbent bike for an hour at 10 - 12 miles per hour. Phase 2 I lift weights on one of the days and phase 3 either dry brush or sauna. The FMD book came into the library, and once I looked at it... bells just started going off. I have been saying for awhile now 'why are we suppose to decrease our food so much if cutting calories decreases our metabolism??". Your plan made SO much sense and the best part - livable!!! Previously not much worked, I actually started trying to lose weight 11 months earlier. I tried the 'no fat' diet that I had some success with in the 90's. This time time around though - maybe 20 pounds came off and abruptly stopped. I hung in there hoping it was some awful plateau.I sought out the advice from 4 different nutritionists - only to get a 'canned' response and got sicker. I was pretty desperate. So I read up on the latest diet books. I merged the Forks over Knives into the fat free diet I was following. Maybe lost another 5 to 10 pounds. Very frustrating, so I started working out daily. Nothing budged. My June 2013 blood work indicted my liver was not liking this only 'beans and greens' diet I was on. I was shocked how my weight actually dropped when I started the FMD diet because my weight is extremely stubborn. My husband said my skin was glowing. And by the way he thinks he has a totally brand new wife. This is the lowest weight I've been at since my 20's. INCREDIBLE!!! My frequent head colds and sinus issues have all but disappeared.
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Weight loss so far in lbs:
Tell us your story:
Well to begin with I no longer have swelling in the lower legs or frequent migraines. It has been a complete life changer. Before I was always so warm/hot and the swelling made it so miserable in the hot summer. The swelling and migraines were affecting my ability to visit family and friends. My starting weight was 386 and I'm now 246. I've completed an entire year of FMD, June 17, 2013 to June 17, 2014. 49 weeks of the plan and 3 weeks of phase 4. I closely follow the plan and do not eat anything not on the food list. My phase 1 exercise is walk/swim in a river at the wellness center for an hour and the second day I recumbent bike for an hour at 10 - 12 miles per hour. Phase 2 I lift weights on one of the days and phase 3 either dry brush or sauna. The FMD book came into the library, and once I looked at it... bells just started going off. I have been saying for awhile now 'why are we suppose to decrease our food so much if cutting calories decreases our metabolism??". Your plan made SO much sense and the best part - livable!!! Previously not much worked, I actually started trying to lose weight 11 months earlier. I tried the 'no fat' diet that I had some success with in the 90's. This time time around though - maybe 20 pounds came off and abruptly stopped. I hung in there hoping it was some awful plateau.I sought out the advice from 4 different nutritionists - only to get a 'canned' response and got sicker. I was pretty desperate. So I read up on the latest diet books. I merged the Forks over Knives into the fat free diet I was following. Maybe lost another 5 to 10 pounds. Very frustrating, so I started working out daily. Nothing budged. My June 2013 blood work indicted my liver was not liking this only 'beans and greens' diet I was on. I was shocked how my weight actually dropped when I started the FMD diet because my weight is extremely stubborn. My husband said my skin was glowing. And by the way he thinks he has a totally brand new wife. This is the lowest weight I've been at since my 20's. INCREDIBLE!!! My frequent head colds and sinus issues have all but disappeared.
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